• chuck norris hakkında yapılmış süper site.


    chuck norris'in yapabileceklerini sayfacalarla anlatmışlar.

    if you have five dollars and chuck norris has five dollars, chuck norris has more money than you.

    chuck norris can kill two stones with one bird.

    chuck norris ordered a big mac at burger king, and got one.

    there are no weapons of mass destruction in iraq, chuck norris lives in oklahoma.

    chuck norris can touch mc hammer.

    chuck norris played russian roulette with a fully loaded gun and won.

    chuck norris cannot love, he can only not kill.

    according to einstein's theory of relativity, chuck norris can actually roundhouse kick you yesterday.

    chuck norris's show is called walker: texas ranger, because chuck norris doesn't run.

    chuck norris doesn't read books. he stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

    chuck norris once kicked a horse in the chin. its decendants are known today as giraffes.

    ve en süperi

    behind every successful man, there is a woman. behind every dead man, there is chuck norris.
  • "chuck norris’ hand is the only hand that can beat a royal flush"
  • gördüğüm en iyisi

    "chuck norris can hit you so hard that he can actually alter your dna. decades from now your descendants will occasionally clutch their heads and yell "what the hell was that?"
  • benzeri dean toste icin yapilmistir. yarar gecer bir cogu.

  • "when the boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for chuck norris."

    "there is no theory of evolution. just a list of creatures chuck norris has allowed to live."

    "when chuck norris does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s pushing the earth down."

    "chuck norris once ate a whole cake before his friends could tell him there was a stripper in it."


    gibi güzide örnekleri olan ve doğruluğu şüphe götürmez gerçeklikleri barındıran aşmış sitedir.
  • chuck norris abimizi facebook aleminde de muhteşem uygulamaları ile üne kavuşturan bilgilerdir.bildiğiniz anketler,uygulamalar,profil kutuları var chuck için yahu.

    chuck norris built a snowman out of rain.
  • "chuck norris doesn’t have hair on his testicles, because hair does not grow on steel."
  • el yapımı örneklerinden bazıları:

    chuck norris invented heimlich manevuer to remove metal boot tip went into the throat of a friend he kicked reflexively.
    (yani diyor ki heimlich manevrası, refleks sonucu tekmelediği bir arkadaşının boğazına kaçan metal çizme ucunu çıkarmak isteyen chuck norris tarafından icat edilmiştir).

    there was one more unrevealed cylon in battlestar galactica... then chuck norris visited the set and kicked it into space.
    (battlestar galactica'da açığa çıkmamış bir cylon daha vardı. sonra chuck norris seti ziyaret etti ve cylon'u bir tekmede uzaya yolladı).

    heath ledger pissed off chuck norris by his joker role. now he's playing dead to avoid chuck's rage.
    (heath ledger joker rolüyle chuck norris'i çok kızdırdı. şimdi öfkesinden korunmak için ölü taklidi yapıyor).

    in superman: the movie, superman flies first time and saves lois from the falling helicopter. he says lois: "i've got you" lois asks: "you got me, who got you?" the answer is chuck norris.
    (superman: the movie'de, superman ilk kez uçup lois'i düşen helikopterden kurtarır ve "tuttum seni" der. lois sorar: "sen beni tuttun da seni kim tutuyor?" yanıt chuck norris'tir).

    chuck norris can kickstart any malfunctioning machine. got it? kick-start.
    (chuck norris herhangi bozuk bir makineyi vurdurarak çalıştırabilir).

    edit: son gerçeğin çevirisi için izmirian'a teşekkürler.
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