• bir takim studyo numarasi sayesinde arka plani plagin tersten calinmasiyla meydana getirilmis bir the stone roses sarkisi.. bu numarayi daha sonra da denediler.. bu mesela, elephant stone'un reverse'u..
  • william shakespeare'in 1610-1611 yıllarında yazıldığı sanılan ve son eseri olarak da bilinen the tempest adlı oyunda ariel karakterinin act i sonlarında söylediği şarkının ilk dizesidir. bu şarkı full fathom five olarak bilinmesinin yanısıra, ariel's song olarak da bilinmektedir.

    full fathom five thy father lies
    (ariels's song from the tempest)

    full fathom five thy father lies;
    of his bones are coral made;
    those are pearls that were his eyes;
    nothing of him that doth fade,
    but doth suffer a sea-change
    into something rich and strange.
    sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:
    hark! now i hear them — ding-dong, bell.
  • bir sylvia plath şiiri:

    old man, you surface seldom.
    then you come in with the tide's

    when seas wash cold, foam-
    capped: white hair, white beard,
    a dragnet, rising, falling, as waves
    crest and trough. miles long
    extend the radial sheaves
    of your spread hair, in which wrin-
    kling skeins
    knotted, caught, survives
    the old myth of orgins
    unimaginable. you float near
    as kneeled ice-mountains
    of the north, to be steered clear
    of, not fathomed. all obscurity
    starts with a danger:
    your dangers are many. i
    cannot look much but your form
    some strange injury
    and seems to die: so vapors
    ravel to clearness on the dawn sea.
    the muddy rumors
    of your burial move me
    to half-believe: your reappearance
    proves rumors shallow,
    for the archaic trenched lines
    of your grained face shed time in

    ages beat like rains
    on the unbeaten channels
    of the ocean. such sage humor
    durance are whirlpools
    to make away with the ground-
    work of the earth and the sky's
    waist down, you may wind
    one labyrinthine tangle
    to root deep among knuckles, shin-
    skulls. inscrutable,
    below shoulders not once
    seen by any man who kept his head,
    you defy questions;
    you defy godhood.
    i walk dry on your kingdom's border
    exiled to no good.
    your shelled bed i remember.
    father, this thick air is murderous.

    i would breathe water.
  • [kitabım için bir başka isim: "full fathom five". düzinelerce kitabın ismi buymuş gibi geliyor, ama düşününce aklıma hiçbiri gelmiyor. hayatım ve imgelemlerimle şimdiye kadar tasarladıklarımdan çok daha fazla ilişkili: bir kere the tempest arka planı var, baba imgesi -kendi babama ilişkin, eşim olmak için yeniden doğan toprağın altındaki erkek ilham perisi ve yaratıcı tanrı, deniz-baba neptün- ve sanatta fazlasıyla işlenen inciler ve mercanlar: denizin hazır ve nazır bulunan keder ve yavan rutin taneciklerinden yarattığı inciler.] sylvia plath - the journals of sylvia plath

    (bkz: six feet under)
  • (bkz: hz. fatıma)
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