190 entry daha
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    "in urban [ottoman] society, public life -that is, life outside of the home- was divided along gender lines. to a great extent social space was largely homosocial; in other words, people of the same gender socialized together. strict separation of the sexes was thought to be the best way of maintaining the moral and social order. gender separation led to a misunderstanding on the part of some western travelers about the notion of the harem. some wrongly believed that women were locked away in a harem. the image of women imprisoned in a luxurious golden cage persists in the popular imagination to this day. while some wealthy urban households made efforts to seclude the family's women, the fact remains that this sort of lifestyle was all but unknown among the vast majority of the population. the harem itself was merely the part of a large house or villa open only to immediate family members. social life with people from outside the family was conducted in more public sitting rooms. of course, almost no one in ottoman society possessed the financial wherewithal to live in such a home; therefore, for all intents and purposes, the idea was unknown to the general urban population. this began to change in the nineteenth century with the emergence of new middle classes. while historians sometimes argue that this class was more "westernized" than the traditional ottoman elite, many of its members imitated some of the old guard's cultural practices; as a consequence the practice of seclusion became more, not less, widespread with the proliferation of western education and tastes in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries."

    gasper, michael. 2013. "the making of the modern middle east." in the middle east [thirteenth edition], ed. ellen lust. pp. 1-72. 10.

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    (bkz: tarih/@derinsular)
  • konu hakkında murat belge'nin 15 şubat 2013 tarihli röportajı: http://www.aksam.com.tr/…lar-batirmadi/haber-169876

    röportajda bahsi geçen kitap için bkz.:
    - peire, leslie p. 1995. harem-i hümayun: osmanlı imparatorluğu'nda hükümranlık ve kadınlar. tarih vakfı. (kitabın ingilizcesi: amazon )

    (bkz: tarih/@derinsular)
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