
  • tasarım ve mimarlık okullarında genelde 101 koduyla bilinen temel tasarım dersi.üçgenler, kareler daireler....
    kes parçala yapıştır...etc
  • "temel tasar" olarak da bilinir.
  • basic design, never resign
  • ambiguity kills the cat, just in basic design
  • this refers to this refers to this refers to this refers to this refers to this refersthis refers to this refers to to this refers to this refers to this refers to this refers to this refers this refers to this refers to to this refers to this refers to this refers to this is basic design
  • kompleksli hoca: "basic design is the basic design basics of the basics of design basics. but it's still hard enough for you to learn, freshmen..."
    kompleksli ogrenci: "by the way, should we do our best or would it be better to act like an idiot just to avoid unpleasant scenes that your superego may cause?.."
    kompleksli hoca: "you may leave the studio freshman... without enough degree of academics, you do not have permission to have more iq than any of your lecturers."
    ogrenci: "errr... i'm sorry... can i stay?.."
    hoca: "yep. you're tough but you learn fast..."
    ogr: "***salak***"
    hoc: "what?!."
    o: "nothin'..."
    h: "good..."
    (bkz: britanyanin kopegiyim ondan ingilizce yaziyorum)
  • ic mimarlik icin, tum ogrencilerin kabusu olan, ileride pek isinize yaramayan bir dolu renkli kup yaptiginiz, gecelerinizin sabahlariniza karismasini saglayan, felaket bir ders. ikinci donem bir de ikincisi olur bunun, o daha da berbattir. "yasasin basic design var yarin" diyen gorulmemistir, gorulenler inek insan kivamindadir. basic design hocalari da ayri birer olaydir ki onu burada tartismaya gerek yok simdilik.
  • eğlenceli ve bir o kadar da uğraştırıcı ders.
  • kes-yapistir-yapis-katla-katlan...
hesabın var mı? giriş yap