• tepkisiz erkekleri seven kadınların zaman zaman hissettiklerini pek güzel anlatan, öğüt verici bir pulp şarkısı. sözleri de şöyle:

    it's six o'clock, the birds are singing. i'm wide awake whilst you're still fast asleep. i went outside, into your garden. the sun was bright & the air was cool & as i stood there listening - well the birds in your garden they all started singing this song: "take her now. don't be scared, it's alright. oh, come on, touch her inside. it's a crime against nature - she's been waiting all night. come on, hold her, & kiss her & tell her you care; if you wait 'til tomorrow she'll no longer be there. come on & give it to her. you know it's now or never." yeah, the birds in your garden have all started singing this song.
    my father never told me about the birds & the bees. & i guess i never realised that i would ever meet birds as beautiful as these. i came inside, climbed to your bedroom. i kissed your eyes awake & then i did what i knew was only natural. and then the birds in your garden , they all started singing this song: "take her now. don't be scared, it's alright. oh, come on, touch her inside. it's a crime against nature - she's been waiting all night. come on, hold her, & kiss her & tell her you care; if you wait 'til tomorrow she'll no longer be there. come on & give it to her. you know it's now or never." yeah, the birds in your garden have all started singing this song. yeah, the birds in your garden, they taught me the words to this song.
  • baştaki kuş cıvıltılarıyla insanın yüzüne gülümseme getiren şarkı
  • burak çetindağ'ın we love life'daki favori parçası.
  • anlamsızca mutlu eden şarkı. sanki "come on! hold her! kiss her! tell her that you care. you know it's now or never!" derkene o kişiye dair tüm dilekleriniz gerçekleşecekmiş gibi gelir. sonra şarkı yavaşlar, siz de sönersiniz.
  • güzel şarkı,
    sözleriyle klasik erkek triplerini hatırlatsa da, verdiği the beatles havasından dolayı sevilesidir.
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