• the auteurs gurubunun after murder park albumlerindeki surreal ve psikolojik sarkilarindan bir tanesi. sozlerinden de gorulebilecegi gibi hikaye bir cocugun kaybolup oldurulmesinden sonra kasabadaki insanlarin bu cinayete reaksiyonlaridir. bir cok bilinmeyenin arkasindan oldugu gibi, bu cinayetin arkasindan da kucuk halkin falcilara gidip katili bulmaya calismalarini, bazi kesimin ise cocugun "possessed" oldugundan dolayi oldugu dusunceleri uzerine annesine "iyi oldu" tarzi nefret mektuplari yazmasinin karanlik ortamini anlatir. sarkinin bir cok yerinde cocugun oluler dunyasindan gelen sesini duyariz. "if i die before my parent die" der, hepimizin belki bir cok kere dedigi gibi. ayni zamanda bir de rachel vardir, buyuk ihtimalle kendisi cocugun ablasidir. cocugun olumuyle psikolojikman dengesizlesmis, onu iyilestirip tekrar hayata dondurmeyi dusunmektedir. oldukca karanlik bir hikayesi olan sarkiyi dinlerken kendinizi o karanlik kasabanin evinde, rachel ve annesinin yani basinda hissedersiniz.

    people ’round here
    don’t like to talk about it
    presumed dead
    unsolved child murder

    since they dragged the lake
    you know they seemed au-fait
    cordoned off some wood
    and gave the photo to a psychic
    presumed dead
    unsolved child murder

    if i die before my parents die
    if i die before my parents die

    more hate mail through the door
    didn’t know that sundays
    could be useful after all
    people can be cruel and spineless

    hung around your house
    waiting for your mother
    rachel says she’s married to a doctor
    presumed dead
    unsolved child murder

    if i die before my parents die
    if i die before my parents die

    better move on - with the good stuff
    better move on - right away
    sod this town and people’s pity
    let’s get on with the nitty gritty
    presumed dead - unsolved child murder

    i believe in esp
    when you’re dealing with a master thief
    headlines scream
    he’s been missing 2 weeks

    rachel said when we find
    we can cure him
    we can make him better
    raise him from the dead
    unsolved child murder
    raise him from the dead
    unsolved child murder
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