• led zeppelin’in altinci albumu olan physical graffitti’den akustik bir blues sarkisi.

    mayis 1972’de mick jagger’in newbury’deki stargroves adli ev ve arazisinde bulunan rolling stones’ mobile studio’da (rolling stones’un tasinabilir [bildigin kamyonet] studyosu) kaydedildi. ayni session’da kaydedilen d’yer mak’er gibi, grubun bir onceki albumu houses of the holy’de yer almasi dusunulurken, albumun tarzina tam olarak uymadigindan dolayi rafa kaldirildi. sarkinin daha sonra degistirilen orjinal adi olan “never ending doubting woman blues” cumlesini robert plant’in sarkinin erken kopyalarinin sonunda bagirdigi rivayet edilse de, bu versiyonlardan hic biri su yuzune cikmamistir.

    sarkinin en eglenceli detaylarindan biri kayit muhendisi eddie kramer’la jimmy page arasinda gecen diyalogdur. page sarkiyi calmaya baslamadan once, arka planda duyulan ucak sesini cikarmaya calisan kramer’in, “trying to get this airplane off (su ucak sesindan kurtulmaya calisiyorum)” dedigi, ve page’in de buna “naw, leave it, yeah (ya sittiret, tamam)” diye cevap verdigi sarkinin basinda acikca duyulabilir. bu diyalog, “tum led zeppelin sarkilari ve turkce mealleri” gibi bir ismi olan kitapta daha yaratici bir sekilde yorumlanmisti. bu kitaba gore kramer “su ucak da cok rahatsiz ediyor” gibi bir sey diyor, page de “ya, ona binip buralardan gidebilmek var" diye, o gemi de ah ben de olsaydim vari bir cevap veriyor. pek ic burkucu olsa da, bu yorum, haliyle, yanlistir.
  • black country robert'ım plant'in doğduğu yerdir.

    country blues ve led zeppelin keyfi birbirine girer.. aslında houses of the holy'de olacakmış bu şarkı ama kısmet physical graffiti'yeymiş.

  • gitar ile vokalin once aksak aksak ilerleyip sonra baristigi, akabinde ise davul ile gitarin aksak aksak gittigi sonra herkesin(riff, ritim ve lyric) sarilip opusup baristigi bir sarkidir.
  • tam bir sabaha iyi başlama şarkısı. hayda bree.
  • noo man noo diyisiyle beni bitiren* led zeppelin parcasi.physical graffitiden.

    (shall we roll it, jimmy?)
    (we're rolling on, uh, what, one?)
    (no, one again.)
    (got to get this airplane off.)
    (naw, leave it, yeah.)

    hey, hey, mama, what's the matter here
    hey, hey, mama, what's the matter here
    you didn't have to tell me that you love me so
    y' didn't have to love me, mama, let me go
    hey, hey, mama, what's the matter here
    you didn't have to make me a total disgrace
    y' didn't have to leave me with that beer in my face
    hey, hey, mama, what's the matter here
    uh, that's alright, it's awful doggone clear

    hey, hey, baby, why you treat me mean
    oh, oh, baby, why you treat me mean
    you didn't have to crucify me like you did
    you didn't have to tell me i was just your kid
    hey, hey, mama, why'd you treat me mean
    you didn't have say you'd always be by my side
    y' didn't have to tell me you'd be my blushin' bride
    hey, hey, mama, why you treat me mean
    but that's alright, i know your sisters, too

    you didn't have to tell me that you love me so
    you didn't have to leave me, mama, let me go
    hey, hey, mama, what is wrong with you
    you didn't have to leave me like a total disgrace
    you didn't have to leave me with that beer on my face
    hey, hey, mama, what is wrong with you
    oh, but that's alright, i'd be the same way, too

    oh, yeah-yo
    no man... no

    now, my baby, now you didn't have to crucify me like you did
    you didn't have to tell me i was just your kid
    hey, hey, mama, what's the matter here
    you didn't have to tell me you would be my own
    you didn't have to tell me, baby, let me go
    hey, hey, mama, what is wrong with you
    uh, that's alright, i know your sister, too

    ooh, yeah-yeah
    ooh, yeah
    ooh, yeah-yeah
    ooh, yeah-yeah
    ooh, yeah... oh

    what's the matter with you, mama
hesabın var mı? giriş yap