• "everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.” diye bir sözü olan amerikan devlet adamı.

    (bkz: https://www.vanityfair.com/…moynihan-letters-201011)

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    a first outline of moynihan’s proposal that blacks (negroes) need more than equal opportunities; they need more equal results.

    has the time come to organize an inquiry into the subject of unequal treatment for the negro? ... american doctrine is centered on the proposition of equal opportunity: of equal protection of the laws. the social struggles of the past have characteristically centered on the question of whether this group or that was being denied equal treatment.

    the civil rights bill will mark the consummation of that effort as far as the negro is concerned.

    now comes the proposition that the negro is entitled to damages as to unequal favored treatment—in order to compensate for past unequal treatment of an opposite kind. we could cope with such a proposition were it put in terms of the rights of a group of workers, or of bond holders—functional groups—but have no precedent for treating with an ethnic group. (consider the difficulty encountered in justifying “benign” quotas in activities such as housing projects which are designed to achieve a balance of races.) but we cannot avoid it.

    xxxx the negroes are asking for unequal treatment. more seriously, it may be that without unequal treatment in the immediate future there is no way for them to achieve anything like equal status in the long run. xxxx
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    xxx ler arasında olan kısmı "negroes" yerine bizden kimleri yazalım?

    zenci ailesinin çözülmesi ve bunun sonuçlarının topluma yansımaları üzerine çok önemli bir araştırmanın müellifi.

    the negro family: the case for national action

    chapter ıv tangle of pathology

    moynihan zenci ailesinin anaerkil bir aile olduğundan bahisle beyaz ataerkil aileler karşısında geri kalmaya mahkum olduğunu belirtmektedir. camille paglia'nın görüşlerini okuyunuz (bkz: #134112205)

    tarih içerisinde ataerkil ailenin anaerkil aileyi alt etmesini kendi beceriksizlikleri olarak değil de beyazların kötü niyeti ile açıklayan siyahlar bugünlerde "family pirivilege"in ortadan kaldırılmasını talep ederken bu taleplerinin saçmalığını fark edememektedirler.

    (bkz: https://web.stanford.edu/…an's the negro family.pdf)


    ara edit

    welfare and feminism destroyed the american family (sosyal yardımlar ve feminism amerikan ailesini tahrip etti.)

    it is the us welfare system constructed by the “great society” programs, not racism, that explains the plight of many black americans.

    democrat us senator daniel patrick moynihan warned at the time that the welfare system democrats were putting in place would destroy the black family.

    as moynihan predicted, the “war on poverty” decimated the african-american family and created a self-perpetuating underclass of single mothers and fatherless children.

    moynihan spelled it out for his colleagues:

    “a community that allows a large number of young men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, that community asks for and gets chaos.”

    google çeviri

    birçok siyah amerikalının içinde bulunduğu kötü durumu ırkçılık değil, “büyük toplum” programları tarafından inşa edilen abd refah sistemi açıklıyor.

    demokrat abd senatörü daniel patrick moynihan, o sırada demokratların uygulamaya koyduğu refah sisteminin siyah aileyi yok edeceği konusunda uyarmıştı.

    moynihan'ın öngördüğü gibi, “yoksulluğa karşı savaş” afrikalı-amerikalı aileyi büyük bir yıkıma uğrattı ve bekar anneler ve babasız çocuklardan oluşan kendi kendini idame ettiren bir alt sınıf yarattı.

    moynihan bunu meslektaşları için şöyle dile getirdi:

    "çok sayıda gencin parçalanmış ailelerde, kadınların egemen olduğu, erkek otoritesiyle hiçbir zaman istikrarlı bir ilişki kuramayan, büyümelerine izin veren bir topluluk, o topluluk kaos ister ve yaratır."



    ayni zamanda cia'nın kapatılması için iki defa kanun teklifi vermiş kişi.

    ın 1991 and again in 1995, senator daniel patrick moynihan introduced bills to abolish the cıa and assign its functions to the state department, which is what acheson and his predecessor, george marshall, had advocated.

    but moynihan's proposal was treated as evidence of his eccentricity rather than of his wisdom and never came to a vote.

    (bkz: https://carnegieendowment.org/…ishing-cia-pub-17846)

    "the central conservative truth is that it is culture, not politics that determines the success of a society.

    the central liberal truth is its politics can change a culture and save it from itself."

    diye tespiti olan kişi.

    cia linki bozulmuş, düzelttim.
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