3 entry daha
  • 31 mayis 1946 tarihinde bad wörishofen, bavyera, almanya'da dogmus ve 1982 yilinda ölmüstür.

    fear eats the soul en göze carpan filmidir denebilir. orjinal ismi olan angst essen seele auf'da almanca gramer kurallarina göre bir bozukluk vardir. aslinda angst isst seele auf olmasi gerekir. fakat filmde göcmenlerden bahsedilmektedir ve göcmenlerin dili hatali konusuyor olmalariyla ilgili bir mizazhsen yaratmistir.

    senaryolarini yazdigi filmler:

    1969 why does herr r. run amok?
    1971 whity
    1972 the bitter tears of petra von kant
    1973 ali: fear eats the soul
    1975 mother kusters goes to heaven
    1975 fox and his friends
    1976 i only want you to love me
    1976 chinese roulette
    1978 in a year of 13 moons
    1979 the third generation
    1980 lili marleen
    1981 lola
    1982 veronika voss
    1982 querelle

    yönettigi filmler:

    1969 why does herr r. run amok?
    1969 love is colder than death
    1969 katzelmacher
    1969 gods of the plague
    1970 the american soldier
    1970 beware of a holy whore
    1971 whity
    1971 the merchant of four seasons
    1972 wild game
    1972 the bitter tears of petra von kant
    1973 nora helmer
    1973 martha
    1973 ali: fear eats the soul
    1974 effi briest
    1975 mother küster's trip to heaven
    1975 fox and his friends
    1976 i only want you to love me
    1976 satan's brew
    1976 chinese roulette
    1977 the stationmaster's wife
    1978 in a year of 13 moons
    1978 the marriage of maria braun
    1978 in a year of 13 moons
    1978 germany in autumn
    1978 despair
    1979 the third generation
    1980 lili marleen
    1980 berlin alexanderplatz
    1981 lola
    1982 veronika voss
    1982 querelle
61 entry daha
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