• cogunlukla ancnin muhbir veya apartheid yanlisi olarak gorduklerini infaz etmek uzere kullandigi yontem. ironiktir, o zamanlar hapishanede olan nelson mandelanin o zamanlar pek sevgili e$i ve etkili bir anc uyesi olan winnie mandela 85'te yaptigi bir konu$mayi "with our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall liberate this country" diye bitirmi$tir.
    brezilya, haiti ve hindistanda da ragbet goren bir infaz yontemi olsa da, kevin carterin fotograflariyla dunyanin ilgi ve bilgisine sunulmu$tur. anlatilan o ki kevin carter ate$e verilmi$ birinin fotografini cekmi$ olmaktan bir sure rahatsizlik duymu$, sonradan da fotografi sayesinde dunyanin dikkatini apartheid kar$iti mucadeleye cekebildigini farkederek o adami kurtarmak icin hic bir$ey yapmami$ olmanin verdigi vicdan azabindan kurtulmu$tur...
    derken, yine vicdani bunu rahat birakmami$, $una benzer bir $eyler soylemi$tir:

    "after having seen so many necklacings on the news, it occurs to me that either many others were being performed (off camera as it were) and this was just the tip of the iceberg, or that the presence of the camera completed the last requirement, and acted as a catalyst in this terrible reaction. the strong message that was being sent, was only meaningful if it were carried by the media. it was not more about the warning (others) than about causing one person pain. the question that haunts me is 'would those people have been necklaced, if there was no media coverage?'"

    haybeye intihar etmemi$ kc, cevabi zor bir soru netekim..

    (bkz: the bang bang club)
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