115 entry daha
  • hidetaka miyazaki ign'e oyunla ilgili detaylarla dolu bir röportaj vermiş.


    okuyamam diyene başlıkları reddit'te bir hayırsever (/u/mysteriousbloke) toparlamış.

    jumping, riding horse
    summon spirits of fallen enemies as allies and tag along with them.
    stamina bar exists but with less influence
    no resurrection, but other systems to keep you in the flow: customize/craft "as you go", more healing options
    combine different skills (100 total) with different weapons, learn magic, more customization options.
    simple stealth implementation: crouch, hide in long grass, stealth attack
    online co-op

    world structure:
    central hub that leads to 6 main areas in the lands between.
    each main area has a dungeon. order to tackle them is up to the player, but there are some limitations. to help the player there is a mainline route to optionally follow.
    other catacombs, castles, and fortresses outside of the main dungeons are located in the lands between.
    fast travel for long distances.
    weapons/magic etc can be bought, but most are hidden in the open world.

    player is nameless blank slate, but other characters have a lot of color/ulterior motives/mystery.
    player is a tarnished: they have lost the grace (golden aura) of the elden ring / erdtree and exiled from the lands between.
    once the elden ring is broken, the tarnished are called back to the lands between. this includes the player character, as well as other characters.
    the main bosses of the game are the 6 demigods ("ancient gods"). they hold various shards of the elden ring, inherit different powers, and have become corrupted.
    ease of understanding balanced with a lot of depth for players to uncover.

    what grrm is credited with writing:
    foundation/mythos for the world.
    the concept of the "tarnished".
    name of "the lands between".
    the 6 demigods.

    game development started with the world-building due to grrm involvement, and after that game systems were developed (opposite to the usual miyazaki style).
    mimics won't return in their ds form, but there will be surprises

    detayları okudukça oyuna kendi yöntemleriyle "kolay mod" getirmişler gibi hissettim. sanırım elden ring from software oyunları içerisinde en genele hitap eden oyun olacak.
1680 entry daha
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