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  • andrew vanwyngarden ve ben goldwasser adindaki iki kafadarin kurdugu grup. grubun adi emciemti diye degil management diye telaffuz ediliyor.

    vanwyngarden ve goldwasser 2002'de connecticut'taki wesleyan university'de muzik egitimi aldiklari donemde tanismislar ve birlikte muzik yapmaya baslamislar. ilk albumleri oracular spectacular ocak 2008'de columbia records'dan cikti. produktorlerini nasil sectiklerini soyle anlatmislar rolling stone'a:

    "when columbia records came courting them last year, mgmt couldn't bring themselves to take the process seriously. "we were really sarcastic when we met them," vanwyngarden recalls. "they asked us for a list of dream producers, so we made one: prince, barack obama, nigel godrich and 'not sheryl crow.' " eventually mgmt settled on flaming lips producer dave fridmann for their debut, oracular spectacular."

    web sitelerinde mp3'lerle ilgili bir kehanette bulunmuslar:
    "kids are going to be inheriting their parents mp3 collections," ben predicts. "and, in that aesthetic, corrupted mp3 files will be like the way people glorify scratched-up records now. in 20 years, people will listen to these 30th generation mp3s and say, 'i love that sound!'"

    sarkilari time to pretend'e paganografik bir de video cekmisler utanmadan:
117 entry daha
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