• bulundugu mühim albüm y nin pigmeli kapagina groovy bas gitarinin ve ritminin tek kelimeyle mükemmel gittigi mükemmel the pop group single i. vokallere ise kelime dahi bulamiyorum. bu harika post punk single inin ciktigi gün dünyada buna benzer 1 sound yakalayan 1 grup yoktu heralde. isim babasiysa friedrich nietzsche. "she's one thing that you cannot buy" demis sarkida mark steward. 1 baska (belki de en ünlü) single lari we are all prostitutes da da "everyone has their price" diyor. bu adamlarin thatcher ingilteresinde parayla ve "etiketlendirmeyle" 1 alip veremedigi var ve bunu ancak punk in becerebilecegi türden 1 direktlikte söylüyorlar:"capitalism is the most barbaric of all religions".

    the pop group un karsisinda saygiyla egiliyor ve she is beyond good and evil in o -hakikaten- tuhaf sözlerine geciyoruz:

    my little girl was born on a ray of sound
    my little girl was born on a ray of sound
    sleeps on water walks on ice
    sleeps on water walks on ice
    got no father, immortal wife
    i'd exchange my soul for her
    there's no antidote for her
    i'd exchange my soul for her
    there's no antidote for her
    my little girl was born on a ray of sound
    my little girl was born on a ray of sound

    like a dancing flame on a bed of nails
    she is one thing that you cannot buy
    with zero reasons for living
    with zero reasons for living
    my little girl was born on a ray of sound

    our only defence is together as an army
    i'll hold you like a gun

    western values mean nothing to her
    western values mean nothing to her

    she is beyond good and evil
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