• ingeborg bachmann ile paul celan'ın mektuplaşmalarının kitabı. henüz sadece almanca, umalım ki yakında ingilizce, türkçe ... kitabın adını da şimdilik kalp zamanı olarak çevirelim, ama ahmet cemal elbette daha iyi bir çeviriyle karşımıza gelecektir.

    ingilizce bulabildiğim tek pasajı buraya eklemek isterim. bachmann'dan celan'a:

    "sometimes i'd like nothing better than to get away
    and come to paris, to feel you touch my hand,
    how you touch me completely with flowers and then
    not to know again where you come from and where
    you are going. to me you come from india or a more
    distant dark, brown land, to me you are the desert
    and the sea and everything secretive. i know nothing
    about you and that is why i am so often afraid for you,
    i cannot imagine that you are doing the same things
    the rest of us are doing here, i should have a castle
    for us and bring you to me, so that you can be
    my enchanted lord, we will have many tapestries
    in it and music and invent love. i have often thought
    that 'corona' is your most beautiful poem, it is the
    most perfect anticipation of a moment where everything
    becomes marble and exists forever. but here it is not my
    'time' . i hunger for something that i will not get, everything
    is flat and vapid, tired and used-up even before it is used.
    in august i will be in paris for just a few days. don't ask
    me why, but be there for me, for one evening, two, or
    three. take me to the seine, we want to look down
    into it for a long time until we've become small fish
    and recognize each other again."
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