14 entry daha
  • nedense filmin en dikkat çeken ismi olan kim fowley rolündeki michael shannondan hiç bahsedilmemiş. kim fowley'nin gerçek hayattaki karakteri hakkında hiç bilgim olmasa da filmde aşağıdaki sözleriyle beni bile titretmiştir. bile diyorum çünkü o sözler kızlarımızı harekete geçirmiştir. grubu o sözler yaratmıştır.

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    kim fowley: repeat after me: i'll give ya something to live for. have ya, grab ya, till you're sore.
    cherie currie: i can't say that.
    kim fowley: no? okay. bye-bye. go sell girl scout cookies.

    kim fowley: dog shit! urine-stained dog shit! rock 'n' roll is a blood sport, a sport of men. it's for the people in the dark, the death cats, the masturbators, the outcasts who have no voice, no way of saying i hate this world, my father's a faggot, fuck you, fuck authority - i want an orgasm! now, growl! moan! this ain't women's lib, kiddies - the is women's libido! i wanna see the scratch marks down their fucking backs! now, do it again. again. like your boyfriend just fucked your sister in your parent's bed. like you want a fucking orgasm!!

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    zaten filmin sonuna doğru da aşağıdaki satırları duyuyoruz kendisinden.

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    kim fowley: the runaways were... a conceptual rock project that failed. it's all mechanical anyway. the only guy who's honest is the guy who sings in the shower. everyone else is a prostitute. do i regret that they turned on me? no, i'm glad they turned on me. it shows spirit. if i'm training a wild dog, and the dog bites my hand, i know i've trained him well... my hand is made of iron. great rock 'n' roll comes from torment. that's all it took. look at her, 16 years old and she's already a creep. they'll be fine. in a few years they'll all be living in trailer parks back in the valley. fat, pregnant, and happy as fleas on a dog. me, well, i'm on my way to becoming rock and roll legend.

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10 entry daha
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