4 entry daha
  • 2011'de türkiye'de çalışmalar yürüten altı stk'ya 1.634.100 usd aktarmış olan vakıftır. yardımın aslan payı (1.300.000 usd) abd merkezli iki örgütün (iri ve ndi) türkiye çalışmalarına ayrılmıştır.

    association for monitoring equal rights : eşit haklar için izleme derneği - http://www.esithaklar.org/

    freedom of expression association : · düşünce suçuna karşı girişim ve türkiye küçük millet meclisleri - http://www.antenna-tr.org/

    human rights research association : insan hakları araştırma derneği (ihad) - http://www.ihad.org.tr/home.php

    international republican institute : international republican institute - http://www.iri.org/…ries-and-programs/europe/turkey

    national democratic institute for international affairs : · national democratic institute - http://www.ndi.org/content/turkey

    social development and gender equality policies center : sogep - http://sogep.org.tr/


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    association for monitoring equal rights (amer)
    to establish the national monitoring network, a network of rights-based organizations that will monitor and report on human rights violations across turkey. amer will monitor and report rights violations, train its members to produce reports, including a joint shadow report, and disseminate it to public officials, international entities, and media, and establish a databank and website to coordinate efforts.

    freedom of expression association
    to enhance the role of civil society in law making through the provision of platforms for public dialogue with parliamentarians. fea will work with and increase its 41 small provincial assemblies comprising a diverse array of local ngos to discuss issues pertinent to their communities in monthly town hall meetings. fea will organize annual assemblies in ankara and visits for spas to meet with political party representatives and parliamentary staff.

    human rights research association
    to effect comprehensive reform of laws governing hate crimes. ihad will seek legal and constitutional reform of current laws protecting turkey's minorities through meetings advocating parliamentarians and legislative advisors. locally and nationally, ihad will monitor government officials, parliamentarians, and media for discriminatory statement or actions against these minorities for publication in an annual report.

    international republican institute
    to improve political party competition at the national and local level before and after the 2011 parliamentary elections. iri will utilize public opinion polling in the development of party organization, grassroots efforts, and youth political education.

    national democratic institute for international affairs
    to contribute to more informed and representative political processes, ndi will provide government and elected officials with information and techniques to better account for citizen concerns in policymaking. ndi will also help strengthen civil society initiatives to better represent constituent interests. by providing both sides with new tools, ndi will contribute to bridging a gap between citizens and government that has limited turkey's democratic potential.

    social development and gender equality policies center
    to enable young women leaders in hakkari, eskisehir, samsun, kilis, and gaziantep to mobilize peers on gender issues, and to raise awareness of gender issues and political activism among youth in istanbul, artvin, antalya, and van. sogep will conduct a training-of-trainers (tot) on leadership and civic engagement for female university students, assist tot graduates in conducting awareness-raising and activism trainings at universities, and educate youth on gender equality in four provinces in turkey.

    the grant listings posted here are from the 2011 annual report.
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9 entry daha
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