2 entry daha
  • meşhur american gothic'in çizeri.

    diğer çalışmaları kronolojik olarak şu şekilde;

    american gothic (1930)
    appraisal (1931)
    arbor day (1932)
    arnold comes of age (1930)
    the birthplace of herbert hoover, west branch, ıowa (1931)
    boy milking cow (1932)
    daughters of revolution (1932)
    death on ridge road (1935)
    dinner for threshers (1934)
    fall plowing (1931)
    haying (1939)
    ıowa cornfield (1941)
    january (1940)
    the little chapel chancelade (1926)
    the midnight ride of paul revere (1931)
    near sundown (1933)
    new road (1939)
    parson weems' fable (1939)
    plaid sweater (1931)
    portrait of nan (1933)
    return from bohemia (1935)
    seedtime and harvest (1937)
    self-portrait (1932)
    spotted man (1924)
    stone city, ıowa (1930)
    sultry night (1937)
    woman with plants (1929)
    young corn (1931
3 entry daha
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