• krzysztof kieslowski‘nin senaryosunu krzysztof piesiewicz ile beraber yazdigi filmlerin ilkidir ve takip eden on altisi icin muhtesem bir baslangictir.
    filmin ortalikta arz-i endam ettigi donemlerde kieslowski camera buff* ile dunyada taninmaya baslamis olmasina karsin, filmin kendi ulkesinde pek de mutlu mesut karsilanmis oldugu soylenemez. ilk gosterimi ile umit verici tepkiler almamis olan kieslowski‘nin filmin polonya macerasi icin dediklerini soyle aktarayim*:
    "it was received terribly by the authorities; it was received terribly by the opposition, and it was received terribly by the church. meaning, by the three powers that be in poland. we really got a thrashing over it. only one element didn't give us a thrashing, and that was the audience... they went to see it... never in my life have i received as many letters or phone calls about a film... and all of them, in fact -- i didn't get a single bad letter or call -- said that i'd spoken the truth about martial law. that that was the way they experienced it, that's what it was like."
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