5 entry daha
  • '' faltering institutional strength is reflected in a broad range of adverse outcomes on the economic, financial and political front despite strong near-term growth rates and healthy public finances. ınflation has stayed stubbornly in the double digits -- the highest inflation rates seen in nine years. ıt is unlikely to fall to single digits on a sustained basis until 2020 at the earliest. both the 2018-20 medium term program as well as the 11th 5-year national development plan, which will start next year, assume average inflation consistently above the central bank's medium-term inflation target of 5%. the explicit tolerance of high inflation in these plans demonstrates the priority accorded to short-term growth regardless, it appears, of the medium-term consequences.

    the erosion of turkey's executive institutions has continued with the government's ongoing activities to remove suspected sympathizers with the gülen movement blamed for 2016's coup attempt and the ongoing state of emergency. the undermining of the authority of the judiciary is illustrated by the government's refusal to honor a constitutional court ruling to release certain political prisoners, and a lower court later sentenced the prisoners to life terms in prison. deep divisions in turkish society were evident in the campaign before the referendum on the constitutional amendments last april and the vote itself. those amendments -- which will eliminate the office of the prime minister and very significantly expand the authority of the president when they become effective next year, with limited checks and balances -- are likely to undermine the predictability and therefore the effectiveness of policymaking.

    moreover, while the authorities have registered some successes on the structural reform front, such as auto-enrollment in company-run pension plans, legislation to restrict foreign currency lending to companies and the recent submission of a draft value-added tax reform to parliament, progress has been slow to date. government officials continue to postpone the implementation of more comprehensive structural reforms, such as to address rigidities in the labor market, in advance of the 2019 elections. as a consequence, while growth has exceeded expectations in recent months, medium-term growth expectations remain below historical experience and imbalances are growing, as evidenced by the large current account deficit and double-digit inflation. while the fiscal deficit and the government's debt burden remain contained in the near-term, the willingness to support short-term growth through fiscal stimulus rather than through more sustainable economic reform signals future fiscal challenges. and, although the unemployment rate has dropped since 2016, it remains high at about 10%, with the jobless rate among youth twice as high. ''

    adamlar bilal'e anlatır gibi anlatmışlar neden kredi notlarımız ve hazine müsteşarlığı varlık kiralama a. ş. 'nin borçlanma notunu düşürdüklerini. neymiş anayasa mahkemesi bir karar verdiğinde yerel mahkeme bunu tanımamaya (!) kalkarsa hukuktan yana tavır almak yerine alkış tutarsanız global * sonuçları olurmuş .ama elbette bunlar birebir bir çeviri ile medyada yer almayacak. bırak yer almayı sabah erkenden başlığa ak troll ler üşüşecek. şu kararı bile afrin e bağlayıp milleti pışpışlayacaklar uykusuna devam etmesi için.

    ekonomi çok güzel. siz de gelsenize.
15 entry daha
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