3 entry daha
  • soru: what is ai's strategy for fighting humans? (yapay zekanin insanlarla savasta izleyecegi strateji nedir?)
    cevap: weak ai has also come to be associated with attempts to build programs that aid, rather than duplicate, human mental activities. there are many possibilities, but effective enemy ai always comes down to simple logic and a lot of experimentation. (zayif yapay zeka, insanlari kopyalamaktan ziyade insanlara yardimci olan programlar insa etmeyi denemek ile iliskilendiriliyor. bircok olasilik var, fakat en etkili dusman yapay zeka her zaman basit bir mantikla yola cikip cokca deney yapar.)

    cok acayip, bu cevabi yuzlerce cumle arasindan secen yapay zeka. yani ona gore bu sorunun en uygun yaniti bu. tabi anahtar kelimeler degisince cevap da degisiyor. mesela:

    soru: what is artificial intelligence's strategy for fighting humans?
    cevap: for instance, would it be legitimate to enable an artificial intelligence system to defend itself from an attack?

    burada yanit birden nefsi mudafaya donmus. baska bir sekilde soralim:

    soru: what is your strategy for fighting humans?
    cevap: my way of strategy is the sure method to win when fighting for your life one man against five or ten.

    cevap yine yerinde ama insan olarak yanit veriyor.
9 entry daha
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