9 entry daha
  • terry eagleton'in after theory kitabinda nietzsche'nin bu sozuyle ilgili dikkat ceken bir pasaj var. pasajin baglami postmodernizmin 'insan oldu!' iddiasinin nietzscheci koklerine dair bir tartisma. yaziyorum. ve yeri gelmisken, eagleton'in asagidaki alintida nietzsche'yi salyuhatem'in onerdigi gibi bir musteki olarak ele aldigini dusunuyorum.

    ayrica, britanya'nin kopegi oldugum icin ingilizce yazmiyorum; kitap turkce'ye cevrildi fakat su an ceviriye ulasabilecek durumda degilim. bu kitabi edinmis veya cevirisi kuvvetli bir suser yazacagim pasajin turkcesini buraya gecerse bu entry'yi silerim elbet.

    so in time man, too, became ripe for overthrowing, a coup proposed most notably by
    friedrich nietzsche. it was he who pointed out that god was dead, meaning that we no longer stood in need of metaphysical foundations. cowardice and sickly nostalgia were alone what leashed us to them. we no longer believed in absolute values, but could not acknowledge that we did not. it was we ourselves who had murdered god, kicking away our own metaphysical foundations through our aggressively secularizing activity, which was even more reason for concealing the corpse. we were assassins of divinity, but cravenly disavowed our deicide. and this disavowal was the artificial respirator which was keeping a terminally ill god alive. nietzsche, like his postmodern disciples, was simply asking us to come clean about this. we were like a couple whose marriage has been dead for years but who will simply not admit it. we were caught in a performative contradiction, our protestations absurdly at odds with our behaviour. a banker or politician may claim he believes in absolute values, but you can generally see that he does not simply by observing what he does. you do not need to peer into his soul. the white house believes devoutly in the almighty, and transparently believes in no such thing.

    for nietzsche, there was no point in replacing god with man. this was just another crafty ruse to avoid confronting god's demise. nothing was to be gained by substituting the idolatry of humanism for the idolatry of religion. two creeds stood or fell together. the death of god must entail the death of man, who is merely god's avatar on earth. (...)

    (after theory, pp. 197,198)

    ayrica bununla ilgili olarak (bkz: dindar da olmayarak ateist olmamak icin gerekenler)
66 entry daha
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