• proust'un bergson'dan yola cikarak gelistirdigi, gelistirmekle kalmayip yedi ciltte vucutlandirdigi kavram.

    istemdisi bellek diye turkcelestirildigini gormustum. istemdisi bellek, oncelikle unutusu gerektirir. beklemekten ve zaman gecirmekten baska yapabileceginiz pek bir sey yoktur belirli bir hatiranin yeniden canlanmasi icin. unutmus olmalisiniz ki, hatirlayabilesiniz. sansiniz varsa bir gun o hatira sizi en beklenmedik bir yerde tekrar bulacaktir. iste, o zaman, siirsel bir tecube yasamis olacaksiniz proust'a gore.

    "and that is why, living and knowing so many different times, and feeling melancholy in so many different rooms, we should not grieve overmuch at having spent our time in elegant carriages and fashionable salons. so often seeking beauty in a mountain or a sky we find it again in the sound of rubber-tyred wheels or the smell of a scrap of fabric, in the things which have hung about our lives, which chance has brought to hang there once again, though this time we may be better equipped to feel delight, separating their imagined past from their present reality, wrenching ourselves free from the slavery of the now, letting ourselves be flooded with the feeling of life everlasting."

    (bkz: jean santeuil)
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