• en doğal haklarını en doğal deliklerine sokmalarını diliyoruz.
    (bkz: doğal seleksiyon)
  • kkk 'ın kardeş örgütü sayılan, çoğunluğunu dünyanın geri kalanından bihaber rednecklerin oluşturduğu gereksiz bir güruh. "kendimizi savunmak en doğal hakkımızdır" diyen, ortalama bir orduya yetecek kadar silah ve cephane sahibi bir kuruluştur ayrıca. *

    m16'nın satışının legal olduğu bir memleketten başka ne beklenebilir ki.
  • bugun itibariyle adima yolladigi ve vice president'i tarafindan yazilmi$ bir mektup geldi. mektubun tamami south park'tan cikmi$ gibi:

    mektubun sag ustunde "act now and get a free nra bag" yaziyor ve bir tane canta resmi var.

    $oyle ba$liyor:

    dear fellow gun owner,

    will you sign the enclosed national petition to protect our right to keep and bear arms?

    i hope you just said "yes," because right now, your constitutional right to own a gun is in great danger.

    <bold>hundreds of newly-elected gun-ban politicians, political appointees and bureaucrats have seized power, and are now writing regulations, casting votes and passing laws that will decide the fate of your right to own a gun.</bold>

    <underline>and they're attacking our constitutional right to keep and bear arms because they don't think we have the nerve or the backbone to fight!!!!</underline>

    that's why i'm counting on you to draw a line in the sand <caps>today</caps>. sign your petition and join hundreds of thousands of american gun owners who have promised to fight <caps>any</caps> politician that tramples our rights.

    it's never been more important to make your voice heard!

    because gun-ban extremists (ahahah --ed) like hillary clinton, ted kennedy, charles schumer and dianne feinstein stand ready to fight for a far-reaching anti-gun, anti-freedom agenda that will:

    force you to register: if you're buying a gun, parts or ammunition, you will need a state-issued photo i.d.. you'll have to provide fingerprints, pay a stiff fee, pass a safety course and obtain a costly two-year license.

    limit the number of guns you can own: there will be a seven-day waiting period on gun and ammunition sales. (silah sayisiyla ne alakasi var? --ed)

    ban your "non-sporting" ammunition: ammunition determined to be "non-sporting" would be banned... and the anti-gunners get to declare which ammunition is "non-sporting."[sic]

    ban personal protection handguns: possession of small-caliber and short-barreled handguns will be banned. also in jeopardy would be older guns, such as single action revolvers.

    require you to apply for a federal "arsenal license."[sic] if you own more than 20 firearms (or parts such as receivers, which are regulated as firearms), or 1,000 rounds of ammunition or primers, you will need a special $300 "federal arsenal license".

    force you to submit to atf home inspections: to get an "arsenal license," [sic] you'd have to open your home to inspections by atf agents <u>three times a year</u>.

    and that's only the start of what the anti-gun politicians have in store for you.

    think about it, your hunting ammo <caps>outlawed</caps>! your ranges <caps>padlocked</caps>! your hunting lands <caps>declared off limits</caps>! your firearm for personal protection -- <caps>banned</caps> by government officials!

    <u>and while law-abiding citizens like you are being disarmed, violent criminals will continue to flood back onto our streets thanks to soft-on-crime judges, light sentences, plea-bargains, pre-trial release and early parole.</u>

    to combat these threats and to keep gun-ban extremists on the defensive in congress, nra needs <caps>your</caps> help.

    so please, take a moment today to complete your <u>national petition to protect our right to keep and bear arms</u> and return it in the enclosed envelope as soon as you can.

    <b>then, i urge you to make your personal commitment to the future of our firearm freedoms and join nra today.</b>

    for a fraction of what it costs to buy guns, gear and ammo, you can stand with nra and take a stand in defense of our hunting and shooting traditions. <u>and if you join nra in the next 30 days, you can join nra at low, introductory new member rates.</u> (ahahha --ed)

    that's right. if you join nra today, you'll get a full year of nra membership for just $25 (normally $35). or you can join for three years at $70 (normally $85). the longer your commitment, the more you save.

    <b>join nra today at these savings and i'll send you <caps>seven</caps>special benefits:</b>(ahanda --ed)

    your choice of nra award-winning magazines...your personalized membership card and member decal...private, members-only access code to savingsusa.com, where you can save on products you buy every day...insurance coverage for your firearms...invitations to exciting friends of nra events...

    <b>plus, if you act today, i'll send you nra's heavy-duty duffel bag and a chance to win 22 guns, a gun safe or one of 280 prizes in the nra sweepstaks!</b> (allah be! --ed)

    can i send you these seven benefits today?

    if your answer is yes--and i hope it is--then please complete the enclosed nra membership acceptance and return it to me today!

    remember: the nra is the one firewall that stands between our second amendment rights and those who would take our freedoms away. but our strength to fight and win comes from <caps>you</caps>.

    across the nation, hundreds of powerful politicians have targeted your second amendment rights for destruction. that's why gun owners like you need to take a stand. and that's why i'm asking you to proudly accept nra membership today!

    by signing this petition and joining nra, you will send a powerful message to congress, and to elected officials in your state, that you <caps>cannot</caps> and <caps>will not</caps> give up your guns and your rights without a fight. (ahhahah -ed)

    thanks for your friendship and support of our second amendment right to keep and bear arms. thanks for letting me hear from you soon.

    yours in freedom, (allah be! --ed)

    wayne lapierre
    executive vice president

    p.s. rememberr, if you join in the next thirty days, you'll save $10 or more on nra membership and get nra's heavy-duty bag. plus, i'll enter you in nra's sweepstakes and give you a chance to win guns, gear and other spectacular prizes.

    but the best benefit of all is being part of the one organization in america deciated to defending your right to keep and bear arms. thanks again for your support of nra!
  • bunlarin evin cesitli yerlerine yapistirilabilen cikartmasini "alarm sistemi" olarak kullaniyorum.
  • tom clancy,tom selleck,karl malone gibi ünlü destekçileri vardır.

    (bkz: #16338509)
  • abd'deki en güçlü menfaat topluluklarından biridir. halk silah kontrolü yanlısı olsa da gerek seçimlere yaptıkları finansal yardımlarla, gerek hükümet içindeki işbirlikçileriyle senatörleri ve temsilcileri etkili bir şekilde etkilemeyi başarmıştır. sayıları 4 milyonun üzerindeki üyeleri yıllık 100 milyon dolar kadar gelir sağlar. eminem'den john f. kennedy'e kadar ünlü üyelere sahip olmuştur.
  • abd'de, evde/uzerinde silah bulundurmanin herkesin dogal hakki oldugunu savunan kurulus.
    (bkz: charlton heston)
  • halk tepkisi üzerine büyük şirketler bu arkadaşlarla olan ortaklıklarını patır patır fesh ediyorlar. dün "sosyalissler" diye ağlamalarının ardından çok güzel bir ironi oldu.

    (bkz: kapitalizmin güzel yanları)
  • 1871 yılında kurulan, abd'de silah lobisi denildiğinde akla gelen ilk kuruluş. 5 milyona yakın üyesi olduğu biliniyor ve sadece nra'in yıllık bütçesi, silahsızlanma için uğraşan örgütlerin bütçesinden fazla. bu bahsettiğim para da 500 milyon dolardan fazla. dolayısıyla bahsettiğimiz lobicilik öyle 1-2 senatörün kafalanması hadisesi değil.

    şimdiye kadar 9 üyesi abd başkanı olan bu oluşum öyle redneck'lerin oluşturduğu bir avuç cahil falan da değildir. ülkenin iyi eğitim görmüşleri, yargıçları, üniversite profesörleri, zenginleri milyonlarca üyesi vardır. nitekim abd ve silah tartışmaları konusunda anlaşılması gereken durum bunun bir kültür oluşu. liberallerin bile evinde silah olabilmesinin nedeni budur.

    kaldı ki nra amerikan ulusunun geneli tarafından kabul gören bir örgüt. demokratların bile çoğunluğu örgütü desteklerken, en düşük destek veren siyasi grup liberaller ve onların bile %30'u destek veriyor reuters verilerine göre.
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