170 entry daha
  • 2000 yılında princeton university press tarafından yayınlanan, paul sniderman'ın birinci yazarı olduğu ve önyargı konulu literatüre önemli bir katkı sunan the outsider: prejudice and politics in italy adlı kitapta, önyargı kavramına farklı akademisyenlerce getirilen farklı tanımların bir özeti verilir:

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    fig. 2.1 definitions of prejudice

    prejudiced attitudes ... are irrational, unjust, or intolerant dispositions towards others. they are often accompanied by stereotyping. this is the attribution of supposed characteristics of the whole group to all its individual members. (milner, david. 1975. children and race. harmondsworth, eng.: penguin., p. 9)

    ıt seems most useful to us to define prejudice as a failure of rationality or a failure of justice or a failure of human-heartedness in an individual's attitude toward members of another ethnic group. (harding, j., h. proshansky, b. kutner, and ı. chein. 1969. "prejudice and ethnic relations." ın the handbook of social psychology vol. 5, ed. g. lindzey and e. arsonon. reading, ma: addison-wesley. 1-76., p. 6)

    an emotional, rigid attitude, a predisposition to respond to a certain stimulus in a certain way toward a group of people. (simpson, g. e., and j. m. yinger. 1985. racial and cultural minorities: an analysis of prejudice and discrimination. 5th ed. new york: plenum., p. 21)

    thinking ill of others without sufficient warrant. (allport, gordon. 1954. the nature of prejudice. reading, ma: addison-wesley., p. 7)

    ethnic prejudice is an antipathy based upon a faulty and inflexible generalization. ıt may be felt or expressed. ıt may be directed toward a group as a whole or toward an individual because he is a member of that group. (allport, gordon. 1954. the nature of prejudice. reading, ma: addison-wesley., p. 9)

    an unsubstantiated prejudgment of an individual or group, favorable or unfavorable in character, tending to action in a consonant direction. (klineberg, o. 1968. "prejudice: the concept." ın encyclopedia of the social sciences. vol. 12. ed. d. sills. new york: macmillan. 439-48., p. 439)

    a pattern of hostility in interpersonal relations which is directed against an entire group, or against its individual members; it fulfills a specific irrational function for its bearer. (ackerman, n., and m. jahoda. 1950. anti-semitism and emotional disorders: a psycho-analytic ınterpretation. new york: harper., pp. 2-3)

    hostility or aggression toward individuals on the basis of their group membership. (buss, a. h. 1961. the psychology of aggression. new york: wiley., p. 245)

    group prejudice is now commonly viewed as having two components: hostility and misinformation. (kelman, h. j., and t. pettigrew. 1959. "how to understand prejudice." commentary 28: 421-36., p. 436)

    a set of attitudes which causes, supports, or justifies discrimination. (rose, s. 1951. the roots of prejudice. paris: unesco., p. 5)

    an unfavorable attitude toward an object which tends to be highly stereotyped, emotionally charged, and not easily changed by contrary information. (krech, d., crutchfield, r., and e. ballachey. 1962. ındividual in society. new york: mcgraw-hill.)

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    kaynak: sniderman, paul m.; pierangelo peri, rui j.p. de figueiredo, jr.; and thomas piazza. 2000. the outsider: prejudice and politics in italy. princeton and oxford: princeton university press. 17.

    (bkz: siyaset bilimi/@derinsular)
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