• dicsreet logic in macintosh ve windows platformlari icin hazirladigi ama pek tutturamadigi software
  • gui objelerinde kendisini ekrana baştan çizdiren* member function
  • hem unsuz, hem sessiz bir acid jazz grubu. mirror ve who am i adli leziz parcalara sahip bu kimseler hakkinda fikri/bilgisi olanlarin acilen paylasmasi buyuk sevap olacaktir.
  • i've got a hot chilly feeling i don't understand
    i've got to run through this minute like a hurricane
    i've got to tighten my wire from the sense to the soul
    i find my back to the wall when it's time to go
    i've got to know
    is that your heartbeat?

    paint...me right
    can you feel the heat in me tonight?
    oh i i'm the pearl...
    paint your love all over my world

    i get a love shock/electric from the touch of your hand
    i'm getting lost in the riddles of the modern man
    i've got it up down all around tied to the bone
    hey there's a strange situation on the late nite show
    i've got to know is that your heartbeat?

    paint me right...

    paint...me right
    can you feel the heat in me tonight?
    oh i, i can feel the heat in me

    paint me right
    can you feel the heat in me tonight?
    oh i i'm the pearl

    paint your love all over my world
    do it right i can feel the woman in me tonight
    oh i i'm the pearl...

    paint your love all over my world

    (bkz: roxette)
  • (bkz: saint)
  • film izlenebiliyor kendisinden. ben izledim, bs player'dan ve media player'dan daha ba$arili.
  • bugune kadar bir resim editoru olarak bildigim ancak nyks sayesinde bir film oynaticisi olarak da kullanilabildigini tatbikatiyla ogrendigim program.

    kendisinin #5959878 entry'sinde vermedigi ayrintilari ben ilave edeyim.

    windows 2000 advanced server'da (henuz baska bir platformda test etme sansim olmadigi icin) bsplayer ile avi dosyanizi aciniz. print screen tusuna basarak elde ettiginizi zannettiginiz screen shot'i paint'i acarak paste ediniz. yaaaa... alin size screen shot. hadi save edip yollayin dostlariniza.

    edit: teknigin windows xp'de de hayli basarili oldugu entry'yi muteakip gozlemlendi. yalniz paint'in navigation kontrollerinin gelistirilmeye ihtiyaci var.
  • (bkz: paint.net)
  • microsoftun inatla geliştirmediği program.
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