• evil empirein 5. sarkisi.

    satelittes and mirrors and a man without a home
    a horse and a rider and a clever cunning killer
    silent in error and vocal in spotlight
    lying always sucking on a bottle of that sweet
    indulgent fluid oh greed oh yes your friendship is a fog
    that disapperas when the wind redirects you. yes you.
    a fathers expectations, soul soaked in spit and urine
    and you gatta make it where
    to a sanctuary that's only a fragile american
    hell an empty dream a slefish, horrific vision
    passed on like the deadliest of viruses crushing you
    so have no illusion boy vomit up all ideals and serve
    sleep and wake, and serve don't think just wake and serve
    your friendship is a fog that disappears when the wind redirects
    you interested in you, interested in you interested in you,
    interested in you interested in you, interested in you
  • ing. yilan oynatan kisi.
  • bir sylvia plath şiiri..

    as the gods began one world, and man another,
    so the snakecharmer begins a snaky sphere
    with moon-eye, mouth-pipe. he pipes. pipes green. pipes water.

    pipes water green until green waters waver
    with reedy lengths and necks and undulatings.
    and as his notes twine green, the green river

    shapes its images around his songs.
    he pipes a place to stand on, but no rocks,
    no floor: a wave of flickering grass tongues

    supports his foot. he pipes a world of snakes,
    of sways and coilings, from the snake-rooted bottom
    of his mind. and now nothing but snakes

    is visible. the snake-scales have become
    leaf, become eyelid; snake-bodies, bough, breast
    of tree and human. and he within this snakedom

    rules the writhings which make manifest
    his snakehood and his might with pliant tunes
    from his thin pipe. out of this green nest

    as out of eden's navel twist the lines
    of snaky generations: let there be snakes!
    and snakes there were, are, will be--till yawns

    consume this piper and he tires of music
    and pipes the world back to the simple fabric
    of snake-warp, snake-weft. pipes the cloth of snakes

    to a melting of green waters, till no snake
    shows its head, and those green waters back to
    water, to green, to nothing like a snake.
    puts up his pipe, and lids his moony eye.
  • gitarcı micky moody ile basçı neil murray, kendilerinin de yer aldığı whitesnake'in 1978-1984 yılları arasındaki sıkı dönemini özlemiş olsalar gerek, biraraya gelip snakecharmer adıyla bir topluluk kurmuşlar. kurmakla kalmayıp bu yılın ocak ayında aynı adla bir de albüm çıkartınca bu babalar, hafif müzikte o dönemleri özleyen bizleri de mutlu etmiş oldular.

    vokalde heartland diye bir topluluktan gelen, ses rengi eric martin'i çağrıştıran chris ousey, ikinci gitarda wishbone ash'den laurie wisefield, tuşlu çalgılarda babaların babası rick wakeman'ın oğlu, bir ara ozzy osbourne'la da çalışmış olan adam wakeman, davulda da eski thundercı harry james'in, moody ile murray'e yoldaş olduğu snakecharmer, nitelikli bir rok müziği sunuyor albümü alanlara.
  • [sanat kitapları* almak istiyoruz. de chirico. paul klee. de chirico'nun hayal gücümü ele geçiren tabloları "the disquieting muses" (rahatsızlık veren ilham perileri) ve "on the decline of oracles" (kehanetlerin çöküşü üzerine) (ilk tablosu the enigma of the oracle'dan sonra) üzerine iki ve rousseau'nun* tabloları - yeşil ve dalgın-ruh hali eseri snakecharmer (yılan oynatıcı*) - üzerine iki şiir yazdım ve sekiz şiirimden sonuncusu, daha önce söylediğim gibi, the dream ismindeki tablosundaki yadwigha üzerine bir sestina* oldu.] sylvia plath - the journals of sylvia plath
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