• (bkz: 680xx)de hedelenk diye butun interruptlari durdurup 'trap' etmeyi saglayan opcode.
  • ing. tuzak
  • nece bilmiyom, ama sagdan soldan diskler firlatilir gok100une ,tufekle vurmaya calisirsin
  • punta da sahne alan izmirli bi grup
  • kullanıcı programında olağanüstü bir durumu yakalamak için konan kod parçası. genellikle işletim sistemi tarafından belirli bir işleme tabi tutulur ve ardından kontrol programcının eklediği bölüme pas edilir
    (bkz: interrupt)
  • (bkz: the cure)
    (bkz: wild mood swings)

    drowning like a fly in my drink
    you drone about being on the brink
    but i really don't care what you think
    oh i'm sick of it all
    sick of it all
    i hate the way it's always the same
    hate recrimination and blame
    and you just wait for me to fuck up again
    oh i'm sick of it all
    sick of it all

    the ways you try and put me down
    sweet revenge for the things i've done
    the ways you try and twist me around
    "give me a taste of my own medicine"

    drowning like a fly in my drink
    you whine about being out of synch
    but i really don't care what you think
    oh i'm sick of it all
    sick of it all

    i hate the way you want me to be
    hate regret and humility
    and you just wait for me to fall at your feet
    oh i'm sick of it all
    sick of it all

    the ways you try and run me down
    make me pay for the things i've been
    the ways you try and push me around
    all you want to do is win

    any love you once felt for me
    has turned into this travesty
    of selfishness and jealousy
    so why can't you just let me go?
    any love you once felt for me
    has turned into this travesty
    of selfishness and jealousy
    so why can't i just let you go?
  • (bkz: booby trap)
  • bir aticilik turudur. aticidan 10-15 metre uzaklikta, yerin 1 metre kadar altindaki ce$itli yonlere cevrilmi$ firlatici makinalar bulunur, bunlar hava ko$ullarina bagli olarak, turuncu, sari, siyah plaklar firlatirlar. sese duyarli mikrofonlar yolu ile, aticinin direktifi ile beklemeden atilan plaklari vurkmak temel amactir. 5 farkli kulvar vardir. yine skeette oldugu gibi bir seri 25 ati$tan olu$ur...

    (bkz: skeet)
  • (bkz: entrapment)
  • (bkz: travesti)
    veya: (bkz: transgender)
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