• untouchables'da, andy garcia'nin bebek arabasinin altina yattigi enstantene.. 1 ..2 ... 3...
  • (bkz: pulp fiction) bruce'un sevgilisine "zed dead baby, zed dead" dedigi yer.. travolta'nin dansi ..
  • back to the future'da, elemanin sahnede johnny b. goode calmaya baslayip olayi abarttigi sahne
  • twelve monkeys'de filmin ba$inda cikan yazi..
  • spawn'in demosu *:)
  • desperado'da hatun ile yatakta iken camda gelenlerin golgesini gordukten sonra yasanan catisma. aslinda desperado'daki butun catisma sahneleri.
  • $eytanin avukatinda al pacinonun tanriyi annattii sahne

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    let me give you a little inside information about god. god likes to watch. he's a prankster. think about it. he gives man instincts! he gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does he do, i swear for his own amusment, his own private, cosmic gag reel, he sets the rules in opposition. it's the goof of all time. look but don't touch. touch, but don't taste! taste, but don't swallow. ahaha! and when you're jumpin' from one foot to the next, what is he doing? he's laughin' his sick, fuckin' ass off. he's a tight-ass! he's a sadist! he's an absentee landlord. worship that? never!

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    (bkz: robin hood)'da robin hood'un elindeki ate$li okla ortaligi aleve vermesi.
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  • pink panther strikes back'te clouseau'nun (bkz: clouseau) kanala 4. kez du$tugunde "swine moat" dedigi an..

    yine ayni filmde dreyfuss'un profesorun kizina kara tahtayi cizerek i$kence ettigi sahne..
  • saving private ryan'da
    * yahudi askerin (melish) oldugu sahne.. cok deli cok..
    * melish'i olduren herifle upham'in merdivenlerde karsilasmasi..
    * cikarmanin tam basladigi, kapaklarin acildigi sahne..
    * bizimkilerin kampta, asker kunyelerini sayarken, carpismadan donenlerin bunlari izlemesi..
    * duvar yikildiginda amerikali askerlerle alman askerlerin karsi karsiya kalmalari bagirismalari ve temizlenmeleri..
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