• -i like boys...i like girlz...they r all great, mr bbc
    repliğini barındırarak beni gülümsetmiş film
  • film dikkatle izlenirse bi yerinde ewan'ın döner-kebap büfesinin önüne dogru yürüdügü görülebilir....
  • anlaşılmadığına inandığım, david bowie'nin hayatının anlatımıyla sadece sembolleştirilmiş bir bilim kurgu.

    --- spoiler ---
    (bkz: oscar wilde)'la beraber uzaydan gelen, lağıma düşen sonra kimi zaman kahramanlarımızın üstünde küpe olan, broş olan mücevher de es geçilmiş çok önemli bir noktadır bu filmin seyircileri için.
    filmin esası aslında bu yeşil taşa dayanır.

    müzikler ayrıca incelenmeli çünkü tüm şarkılar filmin ana fikrine gönderme yapar.
    (bkz: hot one)
    (bkz: sebastian)

    arthur stuart'ın edebiyat dersinde, okuttukları kitap dorian gray'in portresidir.

    oscar wilde hapishaneden çıktıktan sonra sebastian melmoth takma ismini kullanarak yazmaya devam eder.

    --- spoiler ---
  • ... bu guzide filmden -animsayabildigim kadariyla- leziz bir alinti:

    "herkesin bu dunyada yapmasi gereken ilk sey, poz yapmaktir.
    ikincisini ise kimse bilmiyor."
  • aslinda içinde sirf brian molko boy gosteriyor diye yaklasik 5 senedir yana yakila aradiktan sonra, sonunda izleme serefine erisince, her ne kadar mart arifesinde birbirinden tas abileri salyalar akita akita izlemis olsak da anlam bütünlügü konusunda hiçbir sey soylememis film.
    o flashbackler toplaninca, kimin eli kimin cebindeydi? noldu? hersey ortada kaldi kendi adima algilayamadim. kimse de içerigine deginmemis. demek ki herkes gayet iyi anlamis, bence anlatim olarak kit bi filmdi. üzdü.heralde anlam bütünlügü aramamak sadece görselligini takdir etmek gerekiyordu.. mu ?
  • sivilceli suratımla bir film izliyorum yıllar önce;
    her yıl, her ülkede onlarca farklı temada çekilenlerden sadece biri...
    yıllar geçiyor; büyüyorum
    belki hala sivilcelerim var ama artık daha dönemsel.

    yine aynı film dönüyor playerda, aynı müzikler çınlıyor kulaklarımda. o zamanlar walkman imde dinlediğim; -bıkmadan usanmadan- bilinçsizce ezberlediğim parçalar tekrar hafızamda
    çıplak kırmızı kadifeler üzerine uzanmış bir adam
    küçük figürasyonu sürpriz isimlerle dolu bi şölen
    izlerken mastürbasyon yapmıyo belki ellerim; ama ruhumun tatmine ihtiyacı olduğunda adresim tek:
    her seferinde ayrı bir keşif, yeni buluşlar, ufak ayrıntılar...
    izledim, çözdüm, ezberledim derken "has.kt.r buraya daha önce niye dikkat etmemişim"le son bulan bir görüntü şenliği...
    anlatmaya çalışınca anlatılamaması da ayrı bi cabası...
    başka bi film bu, hepsinden başka...
  • iki hikaye vardır aslında; christian baleın kendi eşcinselliğini keşfedip, brian slade ve cunt wild kendini özdeşleştirip gayet feminen, toplumsal cinsiyetle çizilen kadına adfedilen makyaj, süslü dantelli pullu kıyafetler, yüksek lameli ayakkabıları kendine mal edip out olması ve bir dönemini yaratan bir rock star'ın hikayesi. ne hikayedir o, ne aşktır.

    filmden quotes

    mandy slade: it's funny how beautiful people are when they're walking out the door.

    brian slade: ha! nothing makes one so vain as being told one is a sinner!

    brian slade: i should think that if people were to get the wrong impression of me, the one to which you so eloquently refer, it wouldn't be the wrong impression in the slightest.

    jerry divine: that man sitting over there in the white suit... is the biggest thing to come out of this country sinced sliced beatles.

    mandy: today, there'd be fighting in the streets. but in 1972, it was more like dancing.

    mandy: now, just because someone sees, you know, two naked people asleep in bed together, it doesn't necessarily prove sex was involved. it does, however, make for a very strong case.

    mandy: "you live in terror of not being misunderstood.

    curt wild: the world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. the curves of your lips rewrite history.

    arthur, curt wild: i will mangle your mind.

    curt wild: we set out to change the world... ended up just changing ourselves.
    arthur stuart: what's wrong with that?
    curt wild: nothing, if you don't look at the world.

    curt wild: listen, a real artist creates beautiful things and puts nothing of his own life into them, ok?

    cecil: brian was elegance walking arm and arm with a lie.

    mandy slade: i needn't mention how essential dreaming is to the character of the rock star.

    cecil: style always wins out in the end.

    cecil: according to legend, when kurt was 13 he was discovered in the family loo at the service of his older brother, and was promptly sent off for eighteen months of electric shock treatment. it was guaranteed the treatment would fry the fairy clean out of him, but all it did was make him go bonkers whenever he heard an electric guitar.

    reporter: tell us, brian, are the rumors true when they say you and curt wild have some sort of plans up your sleeve?
    brian slade: oh yes. quite soon we actually plan to take over the world!

    mod girlfriend: so what are you, a mod or a rocker?
    brian slade: six of one, half a dozen of the other, really.

    curt wild: make a wish, and see yourself on stage, inside out. a tangle of garlands in your hair. of course you are pleasantly surprised.

    malcolm: i don't believe that there is much of a future to speak of.
    pearl: we're in a bit of a decadent spiral, aren't we?
    billy: sinking fast.
    ray: big brother, baby, all the way.
    malcolm: which is why we prefer impressions to ideas.
    billy: situations to subjects.
    pearl: brief flights to sustained ones.
    ray: exceptions to types.
    pearl: and yourself?

    curt wild: excuse me, fellas, while i raise my glass to the loveliest man in europe.
    brian slade: and they tell you it's not natural.

    brian slade: man is least himself when he talks in his own person... give him a mask and he'll tell you the truth.

    mandy: i don't think i have what you're looking for.
    arthur: i think you do, actually.
    mandy: oh, yeah? what makes you say that?
    arthur: that smile for one thing.
    mandy: well, smiles lie.
    arthur: exactly.

    reporter: so you're saying you're bisexual?
    guy: yeah, i like boys and girls, they're all great! there's really no difference is there? mr. bbc.

    brian slade: rock and roll is a prostitute, it should be tarted up.

    mandy slade: i was beaming, truly, like someone's mum.

    [after curt wild has exposed himself to an audience]
    brian slade: they despised him.
    mandy slade: yeah...
    brian slade: wish i'd though of it.

    brian slade: there is suffering at the birth of a child just as there is suffering at the birth of a star.

    female narrator: for once, there was an unknown land, full of strange flowers and subtle perfumes; a land of which it is joy of all joys to dream; a land where all things are perfect and poisonous.

    brian slade: i knew i'd create a sensation, gasped the rocket. then he went out.

    curt wild: [sitting in cafe with jack ferry talking about brian] i dunno... i dunno. it got too big i guess. it got too schizold, you know? i mean he thought he was maxwell demond in the end, you know? and maxwell demond... he thought he was god.

    mandy slade: [voiceover on new year's eve '69] and on winding roads, in crowded clubs or hotel bar, this shipwreck of the streets rehearsed his future glory. a cigarette tracing a ladder to the stars.

    brian slade: [meets curt for first time at bar] i just wanted to say? i think your music is tops, really smashing, the best of the lot.
    curt wild: [curt lifts head] smashing, top hole, jolly old...
    [curt's head falls back and he passes out]

    brian slade: [lying in bed in a coke haze] woman defend themselves by attacking, just as they attack by sudden and strange surrenders.
    mandy slade: [standing at the end of bed with head down] i lost my girlhood, true
    [lift's head with tears in eyes]
    mandy slade: but it was for you.

    mary: i'm not really myself except in the midst of elegant crowds, in the heart of rich districts, amid sumptous ornamentation, palace hotels, army of servants, plush carpet under foot.

    kaynak: imdb
  • *
    "it's funny how beautiful people are when they're walking out the door."
  • şarkı olan velvet goldmine'ın sözleri şu şekilde;

    you got crazy legs, you got amazin' head
    you got rings on your fingers and your hair's hot red
    you got the width of my tongue name on the sun
    i clutch you close to my breast
    cause you're the only one, who uses school to pleasure

    you make me act real gone, you make me troll along
    i had to ravish your capsule, suck you dry
    feel the teeth in your bones, heal ya head with my own
    why if i don't have you whole, is that your final love?
    here all together

    velvet goldmine, you stroke me like the rain
    snake it, take it, panther princess you must stay
    velvet goldmine, naked on your chain
    i'll be your king volcano right for you again and again
    my velvet goldmine

    you're my taste, my trip, i'll be your master zip
    i'll chop your hair off for kicks, you'll make me jump to my feet
    so you'll give me your hand, give me your sound
    let my sea wash your face, i'm falling, i can't stand
    oooh! clutch your makeup!


    shoot you down, bang bang


    (hum) velvet goldmine (repeat)
  • tam da bahsettiği glam akımı gibi imajı fazla ön plana çıkaran bir film bu. oscar wilde'ın aforizmalarından diyaloglar ve script kasarsanız bütünlüğü ancak bu kadar sağlayabilirsiniz. yine de müzikal ve görsel açıdan doyurucu bir film.

    başta david bowie ile yedi şarkı için anlaşılmış ama bowie script'i okuyunca kendi biyografilerinden (iki tane) alakasız olduğunu görmüş ve dava açacağını söyleyerek şarkılarını vermeyip, yapımcılara sktir çekmiş. böylece filmdeki bowie paralellikleri mümkün olduğunca kısılarak script değiştirilmek zorunda kalınmış.

    film bowie ile iggy pop arasındaki ilişkiyi anlatıyor gibi gözükse de alakası yok. iggy filmle ilgili problemi olmadığını beyan ederken, bowie filmi protesto etmiş ve şarkılarını geri çekmiş. filmdeki karakterlerin isimlerinin değişmesini sağlamış. imdb'ye göre iggy biseksüel değilmiş ve bowie ile hiç yatmamış.

    festival sahnesinde mcgregor'un iggy pop'vari performansı emprovize gelişmiş olup, donu indirmesi ve çocuğu sallandırması spontanedir.

    jonathan rhys meyers ve ewan mcgregor filmdeki şarkıları kendileri seslendirmişler, yalnız bazı şarkılarda thom yorke meyers'a dublaj yapmış.

    christian bale ve ewan mcgregor'ın yiyiştiği sahnede yönetmen todd haynes kayıdı kesmiş ama bunu ikiliye farkettirmemiş. kayıtta olmadıklarını anlayana kadar yiyişmiş bunlar ve bir şakaya kurban gittikleri sonradan farketmişler.

    curt wild: we set out to change the world... ended up just changing ourselves.
    arthur stuart: what's wrong with that?
    curt wild: nothing, if you don't look at the world.
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