
  • horoskop (astrolojik harita) her ne kadar gezegen konumlarıyla çıkarılsa da, öngörüde bulunmak için yapılan hesaplamalar eşliğinde, gezegenlerin kendi konumları sayesinde haritada yer alan ve ciddi önem arz eden noktalardır.
    ilk yüzyılda helenistik astrologlar tarafından incelenen bu konumlar, babil, eski mısır bölgesindeki astrologlar tarafından detaylı olarak ele alındığından arap noktaları olarak ismi almıştır.

    en altta gördüğünüz liste; her bir arap noktasının etki alanını ve arap noktası hesaplama formülünü veriyor.

    ilgili arap noktası hesaplanarak bulunduktan sonra, sağlıklı bir öngörüde bulunmak için, sadece hangi burçta olduğu değil, kaçıncı evde bulunduğu, bulunduğu evin yönetici gezegeni ve diğer gezegenlerle görünümü değerlendirilmelidir.

    arap noktası bulma çalışmasında, konu olan doğum haritasının gece mi yoksa gündüz haritası mı olduğuna dikkat etmek gerekir.

    eğer, güneş asc. çizgisinin alt bölümünde yer alıyorsa gece haritasıdır.
    üst bölümünde yer alıyorsa gündüz.

    diyelim arap noktalarından genellikle en merak edilenini yani şans noktasını bulmak istiyoruz. bunun için aşağıdaki formülü uygulamanız gerekiyor:

    gündüz haritasında hesaplama formülü: ay - güneş + asc.
    gece haritasında hesaplama formülü: güneş - ay + asc.

    tüm hesaplamalar koç burcuna göre yapılır ve koç burcu 0 derecede başlar.
    buna göre;
    koç: 0
    boğa: 30
    ikizler: 60
    yengeç: 90
    aslan: 120
    başak: 150
    terazi: 180
    akrep: 210
    yay: 240
    oğlak: 270
    kova: 300
    balık: 330
    derecelerinden başlar. (her bir burç 30 derecelik eve sahiptir.)

    diyelim ki harita sahibi kişinin yükselen burcu (asc.) 13 derece 9 dakika balık, güneşi 1 derece 18 dakika yengeç’te ve ay’ı 11 derece 2 dakika başak’ta.

    balık 330 derecede başladığına göre + 13 derece = 343 derece
    yengeç’teki güneş 1 derece, yengeç burcu 90 derecede başlıyor = 91 derece
    ay 11 derece başak’ta: 150 + 11 = 161 derece

    161 - 91 = 70 + (asc.) 13 = şans noktası haritanın 83. derecesinde yer alıyor. 83. derece de haritada ikizler burcunun bulunduğu sınır içinde yer alıyor. yani yükseleni balık burcu, güneş burcu yengeç ve ay burcu başak olan bu kişinin şans noktası ikizler burcundadır.

    ikizler burcu 4. evinde konumlanmıştır. bu durumda, şans noktasının bu haritada nasıl çalışacağını anlamak için; hem 4. ev ile konulara, hem ikizler burcunun yönetici gezegeni merkür’ün bulunduğu konuma hem de şans noktasının hangi gezegenlerle kare (sert), üçgen (olumlu) görünümler aldığına dikkat ederek etkiler analiz edilir. gelecek öngörüsünde bulunmak içinse, progressive haritadaki transit gezegenlerle olan görünümler hesaplanır. şans noktası 4. evde

    not: şans noktası; arap noktalarından sadece biridir. (listeyi incelediğinizde göreceğiniz şekilde.)

    arap noktalarının tam listesi:
    part of formula
    abundance in the home asc + sun - moon
    accomplishment asc + sun - jupiter
    activity asc + venus - mars
    administrators asc + mars - mercury
    advancement asc + sun - saturn
    agriculture asc + saturn - venus
    allegiance asc + saturn - sun
    aloofness asc + mercury - saturn
    anareta (taker of life) ı asc + moon - r(asc)
    anareta ıı asc + r(asc) - moon
    ancestors asc + saturn - mars
    ancestors & relations asc + mars - saturn
    appreciation asc + venus - sun
    aptness asc + mercury - saturn
    acquaintances, honourable and ıllustrious asc + fortuna - sun
    armies & police asc + saturn - mars
    art asc + mercury - venus
    astrology asc + mercury - uranus
    assassination ı asc + h12 - neptune
    assassination ıı mars + neptune - uranus
    assassination ** "the degree of assassination is 24 leo/aquarius. to activate this degree one must have sun, moon, ascendant or one of the parts of assassination *on* this degree. other significators on this degree warn the native to be guarded in public and private affairs, as this degree tends to make the native emotionally offensive." (rhg, pg. 33)
    assurance; benevolence asc + jupiter - mercury
    bad luck asc + fortuna - spirit
    beauty asc + venus - sun
    behest asc + jupiter - neptune
    bequest asc + jupiter - uranus
    benevolence; assurance asc + jupiter - mercury
    bereavement h12 + r12 - neptune
    bigotry asc + uranus - sun
    birth, expected asc + lord of moon's house - moon
    birth, noble distance from saturn (lord of time) to 21 libra (saturn's exaltation) (note: the formula given does not specifically say to refer the distance back to the ascendent, but ı assume that is what is intended)
    boldness ı asc + moon - r(asc)
    boldness ıı asc + fortuna - mars
    bondage & slavery asc + moon - moon's dispositor
    boredom; disinterest asc + sun - venus
    boys (sons) asc + jupiter - moon
    brethren ı asc + saturn - sun
    brethren ıı asc + saturn - jupiter
    brothers & sisters asc + jupiter - saturn
    brothers & sisters, death of asc + 10 degrees of h3 - sun
    brothers & sisters, number of asc + saturn - mercury
    buying & selling ı asc + fortuna - spirit
    buying & selling ıı asc + fortuna - moon
    cancer & malignancy asc + neptune - jupiter
    caduceus asc + mercury - sun
    captivity ı asc + lord of saturn's house - saturn
    captivity ıı for day birth asc + r(sun's sign) - sun
    captivity ıı for night birth asc + r(moon's sign) - moon
    (note: some ancient sources reverse these two.)
    captivity; mind asc + h3 - mercury
    captivity, prisons, and escape therefrom asc + fortuna - saturn
    catastrophe asc + uranus - sun
    catastrophe & exile asc + uranus - saturn
    caution asc + neptune - saturn
    celebrity of rank asc + sun - saturn
    change asc + uranus - pluto
    charm & good manners asc + moon - mercury
    children asc + saturn - jupiter
    children asc + jupiter - saturn
    children (time, number, & sexes of) asc + jupiter - mars
    children, female asc + venus - moon
    children, male ı asc + jupiter - moon
    children, male ıı asc + moon - jupiter
    coincidence asc + mars - uranus
    collection asc + venus - mercury
    commerce ı asc + mars - sun
    commerce ıı asc + mercury - sun
    commerce; communication asc + mercury - sun
    comfort asc + venus - moon
    condition of males asc + jupiter - mars
    condition of females asc + venus - moon
    confidence asc + uranus - saturn
    conquest asc + saturn - sun?(note: use jupiter if saturn is combust)
    constancy asc + spirit - fortuna
    contentment asc + venus - sun
    controversy asc + jupiter - mars
    cooperation ı h7 + moon - sun
    cooperation ıı asc + moon - mercury
    corruptness asc + neptune - venus
    cucumbers & melons asc + saturn - mercury
    curiosity asc + moon - mercury
    cutting & surgery asc + saturn - mars
    damage asc + neptune - mars
    danger, violence, debt asc + mercury - saturn
    daring asc + mars - sun
    daughters asc + venus - moon
    death, regeneration, disintegration asc + h8 - moon
    death, disaster asc + h8 - moon
    death (medieval) h8 + saturn - moon
    death of parents asc + jupiter - saturn
    death of siblings asc + 10 gemini - sun
    debilitated bodies asc + mars - fortuna
    debt asc + mercury - saturn
    decapitation h8 + mars - moon
    deceit asc + venus - neptune
    deep reflection asc + moon - saturn
    delusion asc + neptune - moon
    dependence asc + jupiter - moon
    desire & sexual attraction asc + h5 - r5
    despair, penury & fraud asc + fortuna - spirit
    destiny mc + sun - moon
    destruction asc + mars - sun
    destruction, occupation, severity asc + saturn - mercury
    disappointment ı asc + mars - neptune
    disappointment ıı asc + mars - venus
    disassociation asc + moon - mars
    discernment & education asc + moon - mercury
    discord; lawsuits asc + jupiter - mars
    discord; controversy asc + jupiter - mars
    disease; defects, and time of onset (hermes) asc + mars - saturn
    disease, defects, and time of onset (ancients) asc + mars - mercury
    disinterest; boredom asc + sun - venus
    disputes asc + mercury - mars
    distress, upset asc + mars - saturn
    divination asc + neptune - mercury
    divorce ı asc + venus - h7
    divorce ıı venus + 180 [n.a.]
    dramatization asc + moon - uranus
    durability asc + fortuna - spiritus
    eccentricity asc + mercury - uranus
    endings asc + mars - venus
    energy asc + pluto - venus
    enmity ı asc + mars - saturn
    enmity ıı asc + h12 - r12
    enemies, private asc + h12 - r12
    entertainment asc + uranus - jupiter
    expected birth asc + lord of moon's house - moon
    faith & religion asc + mercury - moon
    faithfulness asc + saturn - mercury
    false love asc + neptune - venus
    fame, wisdom asc + jupiter - sun
    family asc + jupiter - saturn
    fascination asc + venus - uranus
    fatality (love of brethren) (saturn) asc + saturn - sun?(note: use jupiter if saturn is combust per rhg)
    father ı asc + sun - saturn
    father ıı asc + saturn - sun
    female children asc + venus - moon
    finances asc + r2
    finding lost objects moon + h4 - r(asc)
    foolhardiness asc + saturn - uranus
    fortune / fortuna (moon) asc + moon - sun
    fortune in husbandry asc + saturn - venus
    fraud asc + neptune - mercury
    friends ı asc + moon - uranus
    friends ıı asc + mercury - moon
    friends and mother asc + moon - uranus
    friendship & love asc + spirit - fortuna
    friendship & enmity asc + spirit - fortuna
    futurorum (spiritus) asc + sun - moon
    gavel asc + pluto - sun
    gender (of an unknown person, such as an unborn child) mc + asc - moon
    genius asc + sun - neptune
    girls (daughters) asc + venus - moon
    glory asc + spirit - fortuna
    good manners & charm asc + moon - mercury
    goods asc + h2 - r2
    gossip asc + mercury - neptune
    grandparents asc + saturn - h2
    hailaj (excitement of transportation as in elevation) asc + moon - new or full moon prior to chart
    happiness asc + jupiter - sun
    heaviness asc + saturn - sun?(note: use jupiter if saturn is combust per rhg and ndv)
    heavy planet asc + saturn - mars
    heritage asc + moon - saturn
    higher education asc + h9 - mercury
    histories and science asc + sun - jupiter
    honor & nobility (day births) asc + 19 aries - sun
    honor & nobility (night births) asc + 3 taurus - moon
    honourable and ıllustrious acquaintances asc + fortuna - sun
    hope asc + mercury - jupiter
    horsemanship, bravery asc + moon - saturn
    husbandry, fortune in asc + saturn - venus
    hyleg; life asc + new or full moon prior to birth - moon
    hyleg; radix vitae asc + moon - new or full moon prior to birth
    ıllness; sickness asc + mars - saturn
    ımpression asc + jupiter - sun
    ımprisonment, sorrow ı asc + fortuna - r(asc)
    ımprisonment, sorrow & captivity ıı asc + fortuna - neptune
    ıncrease asc + jupiter - sun
    ındividuality asc + sun - uranus
    ınfluence asc + saturn - moon
    ınheritance asc + moon - saturn
    ınitiative asc + sun - mars
    ınjury to business asc + fortuna - r(asc)
    ınsincerity asc + moon - neptune
    ınspiration asc + neptune - uranus
    ıntegrity asc + mercury - jupiter
    ıntellect asc + mercury - sun
    ıntellectuality asc + sun - uranus
    ıntercourse (verbal, trade, and for ??female??) asc + venus - sun
    ıntercourse (verbal, trade, and for ??male??) asc + mars - moon
    ıntrusion asc + mercury - neptune
    ıssue of affairs asc + lord of new or full moon prior to birth
    journeys asc + h9 - r9
    journeys by air ı asc + h9 - uranus
    journeys by air ıı asc + uranus - cusp of house uranus occupies
    journeys by land asc + h9 - r9
    journeys by water asc + 15 cancer - saturn
    jupiter ı (ıncrease) (pomgranate) asc + jupiter - sun
    jupiter ıı asc + jupiter - pars futurorum
    karma asc + saturn - sun?(note: use jupiter if saturn is combust)
    killing planet (anareta) ı asc + moon - r(asc)
    killing planet (anareta) ıı asc + r(asc) - moon
    kings asc + moon - saturn
    kings, rulers asc + moon - mars
    knowledge, whether true or false asc + moon - mercury
    labor asc + saturn - venus
    lawsuits asc + mercury - mars
    lawsuits, discord & controversy asc + jupiter - mars
    legality, legalizing h9 + h3 - venus
    liberty of person asc + sun - mercury
    life; hyleg asc + new or full moon prior to birth (san) - moon
    life (female) asc + moon - full moon prior to birth
    life (male) asc + moon - new moon prior to birth
    life; reincarnation asc + saturn - jupiter
    lightning flash asc + uranus - sun
    loneliness asc + jupiter - venus
    lost animal asc + mars - sun
    love ı asc + jupiter - venus
    love ıı asc + venus - sun
    love & concord asc + venus - sun
    love & entertainment asc + venus - sun
    love & marriage ı asc + jupiter - venus
    love & marriage ıı asc + venus - jupiter
    love of brethren asc + saturn - sun?(note: use jupiter if saturn is combust)
    luck asc + moon - jupiter
    luck, bad asc + fortuna - spirit
    luck; release asc + mercury - mars
    madness asc + neptune - sun
    magistery and profession asc + moon - saturn
    male children asc + jupiter - moon
    man's marriage asc + venus - saturn
    manifestation is consistency asc + moon - (sun + 144 + pi)?note: this one came to rhg from an esoteric student. ıt needs further testing and study. ın the chart, this is supposed to be the complexity of life versus simplicity of life; and shows obstacle or release, depending on the native's development. (rhg, pg. 36)
    marriage (modern) asc + h7 - venus
    marriage & love ı asc + jupiter - venus
    marriage & love ıı asc + venus - jupiter
    marriage, fraudulent (and conditions fascilitating it) asc + venus - saturn
    marriage of men ı asc + venus - saturn
    marriage of men ıı asc + venus - sun
    marriage of women ı asc + saturn - venus
    marriage of women ıı asc + mars - moon
    marriage, time of asc + moon - sun
    mars asc + mars - sun
    mastery asc + moon - saturn
    merchandise ı asc + moon - spiritus
    merchandise ıı asc + fortuna - spiritus
    mercury asc + mercury - sun
    memory asc + mars - moon
    merchants and their work asc + venus - mercury
    mind; captivity asc + h3 - mercury
    mind (modern) asc + mars - mercury
    mind, understanding, skill & ıntelligence -- male asc + mars - mercury
    mind, understanding, skill & ıntelligence -- female asc + moon - venus
    miracles asc + pluto - sun
    misconduct by women asc + mars - moon
    misinterpretation asc + uranus - moon
    misunderstanding asc + neptune - mars
    modesty asc + mercury - moon
    moon (fortuna) asc + moon - sun
    most perilous year asc + r8 - saturn
    mother asc + moon - venus
    mother & family asc + jupiter - venus
    murder asc + moon - r(asc)
    murder & sickness, place of asc + mars - saturn
    necessity & wish asc + mars - saturn
    necessity & requirements asc + h3 - mars
    needs & desires, realization of asc + mercury - fortuna
    negotiation asc + mars - jupiter
    neptune asc + neptune - sun
    obstruction; caution asc + neptune - saturn
    occupation, severity and destruction asc + saturn - mercury
    occultism asc + neptune - uranus
    offspring asc + moon - venus
    operations and orders in medical treatment asc + jupiter - sun
    oration asc + saturn - moon
    ordinary ıntellect asc + mercury - sun
    organization asc + pluto - sun
    originality asc + uranus - mercury
    ostracism & loss asc + uranus - sun
    parents (trad.) ı asc + saturn - sun
    parents (trad.) ıı asc + jupiter - sun
    parents, death of asc + jupiter - saturn
    partners asc + h7 - venus
    passion; destruction asc + mars - sun
    passion; emotion & affection asc + mars - venus
    peace asc + venus - sun
    peril ı asc + h8 - saturn
    peril ıı asc + r8 - saturn
    peril & most perilous (dangerous) year asc + r8 - saturn
    permanence asc + spirit - fortuna
    perversion asc + venus - uranus
    play asc + venus - mars
    plays asc + venus - mars
    pluto asc + pluto - sun
    pomegranate asc + jupiter - sun
    popularity ı asc + venus - pluto
    popularity ıı asc + mars - neptune
    possessions asc + moon - saturn
    praise & acceptance asc + venus - jupiter
    prejudice asc + mercury - moon
    private enemies asc + h12 - r12
    profession asc + moon - saturn
    property (movable) asc + h2 - r2
    property management asc + venus - sun
    race & race consciousness asc + moon - pluto
    radical change asc + pluto - uranus
    rapid change & variety asc + venus - mars
    real estate ı asc + moon - saturn
    real estate ıı asc + jupiter - mercury
    reasoning & eloquence (mind - modern) asc + mars - mercury
    recognition asc + jupiter - sun
    rectitude asc + mars - mercury
    release; luck asc + mercury - mars
    religion ı asc + sun - moon
    religion ıı asc + mercury - moon
    repression asc + saturn - pluto
    retribution asc + sun - mars
    resigning (dismissal) saturn + jupiter - sun
    revelation asc + moon - neptune
    revered by man, constant in affairs & honorable acquaintances asc + sun - fortuna
    ritual ceremonies h9 + h3 - venus
    ruler (those concerned in nativities) asc + moon - saturn
    ruler's victory asc + saturn - sun?(note: use jupiter if saturn is combust)
    rumors asc + mercury - moon
    saturn asc + saturn - sun?(note: use jupiter if saturn is combust per rhg)
    science and histories asc + sun - jupiter
    secret enemies asc + h12 - r12
    security asc + venus - mercury
    self-entrapment asc + neptune - sun
    self-undoing asc + h12 - neptune
    sensitivity asc + mercury - jupiter
    sentiment asc + venus - jupiter
    servants, slaves asc + moon - mercury
    severity, occupation and destruction asc + saturn - mercury
    sex (of an unknown person, such as an unborn child) mc + asc - moon
    sex & love asc + venus - sun
    sex drive & libido asc + pluto - venus
    sexual attraction asc + h5 - r5
    sickness asc + mars - saturn
    slander asc + saturn - neptune
    slavery and bondage asc + moon - mercury
    slyness asc + neptune - pluto
    sonia r4 + jupiter - h7
    sons asc + jupiter - moon
    sons-in-law asc + venus - saturn
    sorrow asc + fortuna - neptune
    speculation ı asc + h5 - jupiter
    speculation ıı asc + jupiter - neptune
    spirit (spiritus) asc + sun - moon
    stability asc + saturn - mercury
    stimulation asc + pluto - venus
    success asc + jupiter - fortuna
    success in ınvestment asc + venus - saturn
    sudden advancement ı asc + fortuna - saturn
    sudden advancement ıı asc + sun - saturn
    sudden advancement ıı (note: use if saturn is combust) asc + sun - jupiter
    sudden luck asc + jupiter - uranus
    sudden parting asc + saturn - uranus
    suicide ı asc + h8 - neptune
    suicide ıı asc + jupiter - h12
    suicide ııı asc + jupiter - neptune
    sun asc + sun - moon
    surgery; accident asc + saturn - mars
    surprise asc + mars - uranus
    sweet foods asc + venus - sun
    sword (passion) (mars) asc + mars - sun
    temperment asc + sun - mercury
    things to come (futurorum) asc + sun - moon
    time for action asc + jupiter - sun
    timidity asc + saturn - neptune
    timidity & hiding asc + mercury - moon
    torture mc + saturn - moon
    traditions & knowledge of affairs asc + jupiter - sun
    tragedy, fate, fatality asc + saturn - sun
    transformation r4 + jupiter - h7
    travel by air ı asc + h9 - uranus
    travel by air ıı asc + uranus - cusp of house uranus occupies
    travel by land asc + h9 - r9
    travel by water asc + 15 cancer - saturn
    travel, faith, trust & belief (modern) asc + mercury - moon
    treachery asc + neptune - sun
    treasure asc + venus - mercury
    trickery asc + mars - moon
    trickery & deceit asc + spirit - mercury
    trickery & deception of men & women asc + venus - sun
    trickery & deception of men by women asc + mars - moon
    trident asc + neptune - sun
    unchastity of women asc + mars - moon
    understanding asc + mars - mercury
    understanding & wisdom asc + sun - saturn
    unpreparedness asc + uranus - mars
    unusual events asc + uranus - moon
    uranus asc + uranus - sun
    valor & bravery asc + fortuna - mars
    vanity asc + venus - neptune
    venture asc + mercury - venus
    venus (love) asc + venus - sun
    victory, triumph & aid asc + jupiter - spirit
    violence ı asc + moon - r(asc)
    violence ıı asc + mercury - spirit
    vitality asc + mercury - sun
    vocation & status mc + moon - sun
    waste & extravagance asc + jupiter - mars
    wastefulness asc + uranus - venus
    wealth asc + h2 - r2
    weddings h9 - h3 - venus
    what the native does asc + moon - saturn
    widowhood asc + vindemiatrix - neptune
    wisdom mercury + saturn - jupiter
    women, chaste asc + venus - moon
    women, unchaste asc + mars - moon
    work and the thing which must be done asc + jupiter - sun
    worldliness asc + venus - fortuna
    year to be feared for death or famine asc + lord of full or new moon prior to birth (san) - saturn
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