• on raglan road on an autumn day i met her first and knew
    that her dark hair would weave a snare that i might one day rue;
    i saw the danger, yet i walked along the enchanted way,
    and i said, let grief be a fallen leaf at the dawning of the day.

    on grafton street in november we tripped lightly along the ledge
    of the deep ravine where can be seen the worth of passion's pledge,
    the queen of hearts still making tarts and i not making hay -
    o i loved too much and by such and such is happiness thrown away.

    i gave her gifts of the mind i gave her the secret sign that's known
    to the artists who have known the true gods of sound and stone
    and word and tint. i did not stint for i gave her poems to say.
    with her own name there and her own dark hair like clouds over fields of may

    on a quiet street where old ghosts meet i see her walking now
    away from me so hurriedly my reason must allow
    that i had wooed not as i should a creature made of clay -
    when the angel woos the clay he'd lose his wings at the dawn of day.

    patrick kavanagh
  • tam adi "on raglan road"

    en guzel versiyonunu the dubliners'dan luke kelly soyler.

    luke kelly'nin dedigine gore patrick kavanagh kendisini bi barda sarki soylerken duyunca "sana bir sarkim var demis" ve ona on raglan road'u soylemesini tembih etmistir.
    kaynak mi? surda soylemis luke kelly abimiz:
  • sahsim icin in bruges filminde, brendan gleeson tarafindan canlandirilan ken karakteri ile ozdeslesmis muhtesem irlanda turkusudur.

    --- spoiler ---

    ken, ray'in ikinci bir sansi hak ettigine inanmaktadir ve o'nu patronuna harcatmamaya kararlidir. patronu ise hastalikli derecede prensip sahibidir ve en etkili telkinlerle bile geri adim atmaz. sonucta can kulesinin tepesinde ken'i olumcul derecede yaralayarak genc adama yonelir. iste burada on raglan road calmaya baslar ve son adimlarinda bu sovalyeye eslik eder. hayattaki son anlarinda bile kendisini degil; kurtarmak istedigi insani dusunen ken, "yere indiginde" arkadasina verecegi silahini beline takar, olup bitenden habersiz bruges'lulere zarari dokunsun istemez ve once cebindeki bozukluklari uyari sinyali olarak bosluga birakir, sonra da kendisini...

    --- spoiler ---
  • en zarif, en acınası, en vurucu, en acınası, en şekil ve yine en acınası sahnelerden birine yardım ve yataklık eden şiir/şarkı. sanat eseri.
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