• http://tinysong.com/skfx

    laura marling bir anda play count'u sıfır olan bu şarkıyla itunes'un repeat'ine takıldı geçen gün. benim de takıldığım bir andı ki, 1 saatin sonunda hala aynı şarkıyı dinlediğimi fark edince burnuna çimen değdirilip uyandırılmış biri gibi kendime geldim. kısa zamanda iliklerime fark etmeden sızan kadının sesi, söyledikleriyle birleşti, 4-3-2-1 keki gibi alelacele hazırlasan da tadı hep çok güzel olan bir şeye döndü. tesadüfen önüme çıkan ya da içine girdiğim her güzel şeyde olduğu gibi. tesadüf olmasına inanmanın güç olması gibi. dili kesilen bir kadının sözleri kulaklarıma doldu. taştı.

    forgive me, hera, i cannot stay,
    he cut out my tongue, there is nothing to say,
    love me, oh lord, he threw me away,
    he laughed at my sins, in his arms i must stay.

    he wrote: 'i'm broke, please send for me.'
    but i'm broke in two, and spoken for, do not tempt me.

    her skin is white, and i'm light as the sun,
    so holy light shines on the things you have done.
    so i asked him, how he became this man?
    how did he learn to hold fruit in his hands?
    and where is the lamb that gave you your name?
    he had to leave, though i begged him to stay.

    left me alone, when i needed the light,
    fell to my knees, and i wept for my life,
    if he had of stayed, you might understand,
    if he had of stayed, you never would have taken my hand.

    he wrote: 'i'm low, please send for me.'
    but i'm broke in two, and spoken for, do not tempt me.

    and where is the lamb that gave you your name?
    he had to leave, though i begged him to stay.
    begged him to stay, in my cold wooden grip,
    begged him to stay by the light of this ship.
    me fighting him, fighting life, fighting dawn,
    and the waves came and stole him and took him to war.

    he wrote: 'i'm broke, please send for me.'
    but i'm broke in two, and spoken for, do not tempt me.

    forgive me, hera, i cannot stay,
    he cut out my tongue, there is nothing to say,
    love me, oh lord, he threw me away,
    he laughed at my sins, in his arms i must stay.

    we write, that's alright, i miss his smell.
    we speak, when spoken to, that suits us well.
    that suits us well.
    that suits me well.
36 entry daha
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