6 entry daha
  • şarkıda 8. dakikadan itibaren aşağıdaki soru cevaplar yer alır, sorular uzak doğu dilinde (bilmiyorum dili) sorulurken yanıtlar ingilizcedir ve verilen yanıtlar kasetle geriye sarılarak yavaşlatılmış veya hızlandırılmış bir şekilde tekrar dinletilir.

    - how old are you?
    - 31

    - tell me what you remember about your first few birthdays?
    - you know usual stuff, usual stuff ı guess...friends...that sort of things.

    - how tall was your mother?
    - excuse me?

    - ı said. how tall was your mother?
    - about 5" 4'

    - what colour was her favourite dress?
    - ı don't know, blue. something like that blue maybe.

    - did you have any pets when you were a child?
    - yeah....two cats.

    - you see a women stripping on a television in a shop window. do you stay and see what happens or do you continue walking?
    - ı think ı'd probably wait...ı'd probably wait to... to...

    - ıf a blind man drops some money in the street do you pick it up and give it back to him or keep it for yourself?
    - ı'd pick it up and give it back to him ı guess.

    - you're driving in your car and suddenly a cat runs out right in front of you and you accidentally hit it. you're in no hurry to get anywhere and the poor animal is screaming in pain but you don't bother to stop and help it. how do you feel?
    - fuck you...
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