• placebo ofisyel türk web komunitesi
    (bkz: tatliseks dogulmaz tatliseks olunur)
  • mek'ten başka birşey bilmeyen insan topluluğu, aşiret, aile, hayat tarzı, yaşam biçimi...
  • "bir tatlıseks ailesi üyesinin sahip olması gereken 51 karakteristik", sayın tatlıseks başkanı şukufe crom tatlıseks tarafından aynen aşağıdaki gibi belirlenmiştir:

    a tatliseks…

    1) loves placebo madly
    2) loves other tatlıseks family members dearly and deeply.
    3) respects other family members
    4) thinks about other family members 23/7
    5) loves being with other family members
    6) loves music
    7) loves rock, alternative and alternative-rock music more
    8) loves reading
    9) loves movies
    10) loves to have fun
    11) has fun 23/7
    12) parties hard
    13) loves drinking
    14) goes to gigs
    15) goes to placebo gigs
    16) wants money to go to placebo gigs
    17) loves sex
    18) never minds sexuality
    19) loves androgynies
    20) loves life
    21) loves to love
    22) loves to be loved
    23) loves london
    24) hates war
    25) loves peace
    26) tries hard
    27) never gives in
    28) tries to remain positive
    29) tries to remain strong
    30) stands up for other family members
    31) stands by other family members
    32) studies hard
    33) works hard
    34) gets what or who s/he wants
    35) never forgets other family members’ birthdays
    36) always celebrates 9th december
    37) goes with the flow
    38) never poses
    39) knows how to let go
    40) believes in miracles
    41) sometimes loses it
    42) never minds what other people think
    43) avoids townies and posh people
    44) loves holidays
    45) knows the importance of tatlıseks meetings and tries to attend them
    46) talks openly
    47) cries openly
    48) does not hide anything from other family members
    49) is strictly discreet when necessary
    50) is always there for other family members
    51) is proud to be a “tatlıseks” and a placebo fan
  • (bkz: atlıseks)
    (bkz: hayır hayır) (bkz: olamaz)
  • tatlıseks power sahibi bireylerden olusan, placebo konseri döneminde pek bi kıskanılacak başarılara imza atmaları beklenen örgüt..
  • 13 eylülden sonra kendine gelmede pek zorlanan plasapiensler.
  • bu yaz kismet olursa her bir ailesini bogana kadar kucaklayip, bir mek partisi duzenlenmesi icin elimden geleni yapacagim sevgi yumagi.
hesabın var mı? giriş yap