• brit pop havası veren hoş bir şarkı. vokali damon albarn style olmuş. klavye kullanımı da sevimli.
  • the faint şarkısı blank wave arcade albümünden 5 numerolu şarkıdır. aha lyrics:

    casual sex ..is it irrational? {yes} i think it's time to find out why and soon i fall asleep, it's nighttime. in a dream there's a dolphin and a soldier, they're walking through the sand and toward a morgue. in an office there's a hostess who has carried our friend and wheeled him into a drawer. she pulls his file, the air is cold. down the aisle we follow her, i'm thinking casual sex - the feeling. casual sex - the soldier's life's the same as mine and he's attracted to a nun. but the feeling of sex is nothing possible yet, a new wave soldier's standing next to a young nun. the nun just has to pace, her gothic skirt over her legs, they're getting warmer toward the insides and their tops. "the inexistence of time" is not a painting, it's life. they're into robes and gloves, goblet glass and crosses. the feeling of sex is nothing possible yet. a new wave soldier is standing next to a young nun. the sound of her voice, and the handle of the robe are getting thinner as the whip begins to speak. the nun just strikes a pose. the soldier's helmet hits the floor. he's walking backward until he's pinned against stained glass.
  • harika bir the faint şarkısıdır , böyle çok içkili ve fire veren bi geceden sonra direk dinlenir ve rahatlanır .
  • (bkz: fuck buddy)
  • modern insanın(!) hayatını normalleştirme harekatında kullandığı terimlerden biridir. gittikçe sığlaşan, değerini kaybeden erkek kadın ilişkisini duygusal ve fiziksel olarak ikiye ayıran yeni modernite, bu kafayı koruma adına fuck buddy, friends with benefits gibi vicdan prezervatifleri üretmiş, kullanıma sunmuştur. özel insan, özel bir an, keyif... amerikanvari yani temelsiz, geçici ve hiçbir değerden nasibini almamış fos ilişikliklerin oyuncak kelimeleri...
  • zamanla, değişen anlayışlarla farklılaşan kavram. marianne faithfull, kendisinin hayatını tepeden bakarak, küçümseyerek eleştiren röportajcıya "it was casual sex my dear, and it was great fun." diye cevap vermiştir. onun gençliği döneminde bu özgürlüktür, mutluluktur. asla pişman olmamıştır ve olmayacaktır. olmaması gerekir. şimdi ise ne yazık ki bu kavram sex and the citykültürüne hizmet eder.
  • bunu yaşayacağınız kadına ya da erkeğe önceden fazla ilgi göstermeyin. bu ilgiyi gösterecekseniz elbette seks üzerinden ya da cinsellik muhabbeti üzerinden gösterin. yüzeysel bir ilgi olmalı. yöresel motivasyonlar, özel hayat, aile gibi şeylere girilmeden, mümkünse karşı tarafı sadece fiziki olarak beğenecek bir ilgiden bahsediyorum. bunun aksini yaptığınızda sonu hüsran olur.
  • my darkest days'in çok güzel bir şarkısı. "there is nothing wrong with it, cause its easier this way" diyor, ama gönül ferman dinlemez.
  • genelde yozlaşmış batı dünyasında görülen hede.
  • fuckbuddyliğin neden daha tercih edilesi olduğunu anlatan bir my darkest days şarkısı.*


    you'll never meet my mom,
    strings will never be attached,
    we'll always get along,
    cause it doesn't have to last,
    anytime i call you, you don't have to call me back,
    i'm never gonna fall, but i'm never hard to catch.
    she say she's cool with it, she's down with it,
    there s nothing wrong with it cause its easier this way,
    she's so cool with it, she's down with it,
    there's nothing wrong with it, don't want it any other way.
    it's just your typical hardcore, casual sex,
    single but we're lovers, crazy for each other,
    just your typical hardcore, casual sex,
    we're wild under the covers, crazy for each other.
    we don't have to go on dates,
    you don't have to like my friends,
    i'll poke it in your face when you're makin other plans
    if you tired of the taste,
    we can try another blend
    my heart will never break i'm just here to break a sweat.
    that's why she's cool with it, she's down with it,
    there's nothing wrong with it cause its easier this way,
    she's so cool with it, she's down with it,
    there's nothing wrong with it,
    don't want it any other way.
    it's just your typical hardcore, casual sex
    single but we're lovers, crazy for each other,
    just your typical hardcore, casual sex
    we're wild under the covers, crazy for each other.
    she's so cool with it, she's down with it,
    there's nothing wrong with it cause its easier this way,
    she's so cool with it, she's down with it,
    there's nothing wrong with it, don't want it any other way.
    it's just your typical hardcore, casual sex,
    single but we're lovers, crazy for each other,
    just your typical hardcore, casual sex,
    we're wild under the covers, crazy for each other.
    everybody wants a lover like that,
    fire under the covers, crazy for each other,
    everybody wants a lover like that
    fire under the covers, crazy for each other.
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