• güven suistimal eden kişi demek en doğru tercümesi herhalde. bu kişiler genelde dandandıkları kişide güven uyandırırlar ve sonra da amaçlarını uygulamaya geçerler. bu konuda en başarılı olan ırk italyanlardır. hatta hemen yaşanmış örneklerden görelim, tanıyalım.

    "walking back to the hotel we stopped to look at our map, and a short italian came up behind us with a map of his own. he was respectably dressed, and i would estimate around forty years old.

    - hey guys, can you help me find via venuto?
    - well, we can try, but i don’t know how much help we will be. we’re pretty much lost too.
    - where you guys from? you americans?”
    - i’m from texas; he’s from brazil.
    -hey, that’s great. i’m italian, but i’ve been living in new york with my family for fifteen years or so. my name is pietro, by the way.

    we shook pietro’s hand and introduced ourselves and shot the breeze a little. looking at the map, we discovered that we were in fact standing on via venuto. pietro asked us if we were up for a drink. it was still early, and we didn’t have anything else to do, so we walked with him to the bar and sat down at a booth. pietro ordered the first round, and as it arrived, so did three over-the-hill italian prostitutes. as it turned out, our friend pietro was a pimp.

    having no interest in entertaining the situation, we told pietro we were leaving and were promptly presented with a bill for €1,000. apparently, in the time it took us to stand up and say goodbye to pietro, the girls had managed to drink €1,000 worth of champagne, and according to the bill, we had also enjoyed some expensive sandwiches, despite the fact that the bar did not have a kitchen. while arguing with the manager, the hired muscle in suits got a little closer for the intimidation factor. whatever your mental image of an italian pimp might be, the bar manager had black greasy hair slicked back, though he was not wearing excessive gold by italian standards. after much screaming and fist pounding on the table, we ended up paying €50 each and walked quickly out the door, looking over our shoulders all the way. i’ll consider that €50 i spent to avoid getting my legs broken by mob goons the best €50 i’ve ever spent. we found a busy street, and made our way back to the hotel.

    - dude, we’ve been in italy for one night, and we’ve already been hustled by a roman pimp.
    - i know, man. and he seemed like such a nice guy.
    - at least we didn’t get shot or stabbed."

    amme hizmetimizi de yapalım, teksaslı arkadaşım ve brezilyalı arkadaşı ellerinde harita gel beni üt beni modunda roma sokaklarında dolaşırken elinde harita olan pietro'ya denk gelirler, pietro muhabbet kurar, sonra da bara davet eder. barda yanlarına kızlar gelir. pietronun pezevenk bi herif olduğunu anlarlar, ama kalkarken de 1000€ hesap ile tanışırlar.

    illa böyle yekün soyguncu olmaları gerekmez, misyonerlik yapıp milleti evlerde incil okumaya çağıranlar da con artisttirler.

    uzun lafın kısası kendi çıkarın için birisinin güvenini kazanıp ona istediğini yaptırıyorsan ipnelikle iştigal ediyorsundur.
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