• ing. yapisal butunluk. bir yapinin ayakta kalabilmesi icin gerekli tum malzemenin saglam olmasi durumu.
  • bu ahenkli saglamligin yara almasi durumunda ise compromise fiili, edilgen kalipla kullanilir. sozu gecen yapinin hala ayakta durabildigini, ancak eski saglamligini kaybettigini, yikilma riski tasidigini ifade eder. cumle icinde kullanmak gerekirse, "structural integrity of the building is compromised."
  • "structural integrity of the ships hull is compromised" "the walls structural integrity is weak" "structural integrity field" "the structural integrity is about to collapse" "most serious breech in structural integrity" "reinforce structural integrity" "structural integrity breach" "23% structural integrity remaining" "bik bik is compromising the structural integrity of the ship" "collapsing of structural integrity imminent" "structural integrity is failing" "structural integrity down to ten percent" vs vs seklinde bir star trek klasigidir olmazsa olmaz.
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