• 32.gün adlı programin jenerik müzigi olarak kullanılır
    (bkz: mehmet ali birand)
  • (bkz: jeff wayne)
  • sozleri soyledir ;

    no one would have believed, in the last years of the
    nineteenth century, that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds
    of space.

    no one could have dreamed we were being scrutinized, as someone with a microscope
    studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. few men even considered
    the possibility of life on other planets and yet, across the gulf of space, minds
    immeasurably superior to ours regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and
    surely, they drew their plans against us.

    at midnight on the twelfth of august, a huge mass of luminous gas erupted from mars
    and sped towards earth. across two hundred million miles of void, invisibly hurtling
    towards us, came the first of the missiles that were to bring so much calamity to earth.
    as i watched, there was another jet of gas. it was another missile, starting on its way.

    and that's how it was for the next ten nights. a flare, spurting out from mars - bright
    green, drawing a green mist behind it - a beautiful, but somehow disturbing sight. ogilvy,
    the astronomer, assured me we were in no danger. he was convinced there could be no
    living thing on that remote, forbidding planet.

    "the chances of anything coming from mars are a million to one," he said.
    "the chances of anything coming from mars are a million to one - but still they

    journalist: then came the night the first missile approached earth. it was thought
    to be an ordinary falling star, but next day there was a huge crater in the middle of the
    common, and ogilvy came to examine what lay there: a cylinder, thirty yards across,
    glowing hot... and with faint sounds of movement coming from within.

    suddenly the top began moving, rotating, unscrewing, and ogilvy feared there was a
    man inside, trying to escape. he rushed to the cylinder, but the intense heat stopped him
    before he could burn himself on the metal.

    "the chances of anything coming from mars are a million to one," he said.
    "the chances of anything coming from mars are a million to one - but they still
    "yes, the chances of anything coming from mars are a million to one," he said.
    "the chances of anything coming from mars are a million to one - but they still come!"

    it seems totally incredible to me now that everyone spent that evening as
    though it were just like any other. from the railway station came the sound of
    shunting trains, ringing and rumbling, softened almost into melody by the distance. it all
    seemed so safe and tranquil.
  • 32. günün jeneriğinde kullanılan çok popüler ama adı az bilinir parça.jeff wayne'nindir.
  • 32. günün müziği olan şarkı. moody blues'un da emeği geçmiş bu şarkıda.
  • akıllardan çıkmayacak 32. gün'ün jenerik müziği.
  • cocuklugumuzda belleklerimize islenmis oldugundan midir, o zamanlar icerisinde bulundugumuz donemin hassasiyetinden midir, tek basina harika bir eser olmasindan midir, tam olarak nedendir bilinmez ama gelmis gecmis en iyi haber muzigidir nazarimda.

    muzik baslayip ikinci tekrara girdigi an arka planda mehmet ali birand savas bolgesinden bildiren ses tonuyla "evet su anda burada..." derken sesi azalir, muzigin ucuncu tekrari girer ve mithat bereket arka planda bir seyler mirildanirdi bu defa. her tekrarda bir haberci bir yerlerden bildirirdi. muzik icerisindeki cosku, ritm; goruntulerle birlestiginde cok farkli anlamlar kazaniyordu.

    (bkz: hey gidi gunler hey)
    (bkz: 80 lerde cocuk olmak)
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