8 entry daha
  • darth vader'in onemini $u $ekilde acikladigi hede:
    "the ability to destroy a planet* is insignificant next to the force"
  • uzun suren tarti$malar ve ara$tirmalar sonucunda kendisine gelen dengenin $u $ekilde olduguna karar verdigim enerji alanidir. efendim, bu force denilen $ey ikiye ayrilir, living force ve unifying force olarak. sirasiyla "that penetrates us and binds us together". dark side denilen yol, "path", unifying force'taki dengeyi bozmaya dayanan yetenekleri icinde barindirir "some consider to be unnatural", o yuzden "dark" tir, o yuzden jedi bu yolu takip etmez, bu yolun ogretilerini ogrenmez, kullanmaz. ayrica dark side bu fazladan kullanim alani yuzunden, george lucas'in trilogy dvd documentary'lerinde dedigi gibi light side'dan daha gucludur. son filmden alintilar yapalim:
    --- spoiler ---
    obi-wan: you were the chosen one! it was said that you would destroy the sith, not join them. it was you who would bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness.
    obi-wan: with all due respect, master, is he not the chosen one? is he not to destroy the sith and bring balance to the force?
    --- spoiler ---
    sith'in varligi ve dogal olarak dark side kullanmasi, force'ta dengesizlik yaratir, dark side'in dogasi geregi.* sith'in ortadan kalkmasi ise, force'ta yaratilan bu dengesiligi yok edecektir ve boylece guc'e denge gelecektir.
    hayir, 2 sith - 2 jedi olayi denge getirmez force'a, oyle olsaydi jedi bunu neden istesindi falan filan..
    anakin skywalker ise, son filmde emperor'u oldurerek, chosen one'ligini yapar, sith'i ortadan kaldirir, guc'e dengeyi getirir. bunu da birkac ay once george lucas belirtmi$ti.

    "which brings us to films 4, 5 and 6, where anakin's offspring redeem him and allow him to fulfill the prophecy where he brings balance to the force by doing away with the sith and getting rid of evil in the universe."
    -george lucas
    "anakin is the chosen one and he did bring peace at last with his own sacrifice. luke couldn't kill the emperor himself, but he could make anakin reflect on his life and kill the emperor."
    -george lucas
17 entry daha
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