2 entry daha
  • big dog aslinda usa'da internet ve posta yoluyla satilan bir t-shirt markasi ve aslinda cokta taninan bir marka degil.

    ürünlerin üzerinde büyük bir st bernard cinsi köpek bulunur. esprili yaklasimlari vardir.


    big dog: (big dawg) n.
    from the latin word canis biggus:
    1. the one who is large and in charge
    2. head honcho
    3. rises above the competition
    4. leader of the pack
    5. committed to attitude
    6. calls the shots
    7. the lead dog
    8. born to run
    9. the master of big attitude
    10. plays to win
    11. doesn't need no stinkin'leash
    12. one who is way up there
    13. the top dog
    14. stays off the porch
    15. has no master
    16. know attitude is everything
    17. expects to win
    18. doesn't fetch
    19. thinks big

    http://www.bigdogs.com/ sayfasindan ürünlere ulasilabilir.
4 entry daha
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