4 entry daha
  • wikipedia soyle buyuruyor bu konuda:

    "the kindness that mehmed had shown to the emperor's surviving ministers was of short duration.... five days after the fall of the city [3 june] he gave a banquet. in the course of it, when he was well flushed with wine, someone whispered to him that notaras's fourteen-year old son was a boy of exceptional beauty. the sultan at once sent a eunuch to the house of the [megas doux] to demand that the boy be sent to him for his pleasure. notaras, whose elder sons had been killed fighting, refused to sacrifice the boy to such a fate. police were then sent to bring notaras with his son and his young son-in-law, the son of the grand domestic andronicus cantacuzenus, into the sultan's presence. when notaras still defied the sultan, orders were given for him and the two boys to be decapitated on the spot. notaras merely asked that they should be slain before him, lest the sight of his death should make them waver. when they had both perished he bared his neck to the executioner. the following day nine other greek notables were arrested and sent to the scaffold. (151)"

9 entry daha
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