5 entry daha
  • sonundaki mr. money ve miss mediocraty arasındaki diyalog sürerken arkada radyoda çok ilginç başka bir diyalog dönüyor (kelimesi kelimesine doğru olmayabilir, ama aşağı yukarı):

    - here once again, we bring you here today to unveil your new breakthrough, which is basically what? an unconcious state of hibernation?
    +well, first of all, i guess i wouldn't call it hibernation, but forrestative unconscious freezing. in this state organs can be kept alive longer, tumours can be stopped in its tracks. its virtually a springboard for the new age of modern medicine.
    - but isn't it true that you've been experimenting on animals? seeing if you can put them in safe hibernation for long periods of time, don't you think that's morally wrong?
    +no, not at all. i've always done research on the underlying belief that the ends truly do justify the means. we are after all ... * ...irreversible illness ... people into hibernation till a cure is found, and then they can live a normal life free of that illness. today we have had great success with 'laying down', thats what i call the process. laying down many animals. the longest hibernation thus far has been 18 months with no signs of distress whatsoever on any of the animals placed into a forrestative state.
    - it all sounds so wonderful, and paints a pretty picture. but i still wonder your true motives for an action such as this. i also question the quality of life a person will have after a long period of laying down. while an individual...

    derken şarkı bitiyor. ancak dea pecuniae'nin sonunda ufak bir sürpriz var:

    +the alternative leaves the person with a conscious choice of hibernation. persons of an adult age can make their own decision regarding their fate. i'm only trying to make life better for those who aren't as lucky as you and i. i have nothing but the interests of humanity at heart.

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    kısacası, bu olay gerçekleşirken mr. money'nin kendisini uyutup iter impius'da uyanmasına neden olan teknolojiden bahsediliyor.

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3 entry daha
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