22 entry daha
  • kolpa bir diğer haber.

    bu gazeteciler de iyice saçmalamaya başladı. haber gerçek mi değil mi bakmıyorlar bile.

    hadi haberciler bakmıyor, sözlük yazarları da kafalarını çalıştırıp gerçek mi değil mi diye neden hiç araştırmazlar.

    reddit'teki oopscest isimli kullanıcının yediği haltı itiraf ettiği sayfadaki açıklamasını aşağıda bulabilirsiniz.



    my post, which hit the frontpage yesterday, was a hoax.
    this was not done maliciously or for my amusement. ı didn't originally intend to post in twox; but tıfu deleted my posting and ı didn't have another viable option. this post was not made with the intention of singling out the twox community or making them look naive. ı fully expected this to hit the front page (and it did) and reach beyond this subreddit.
    so, let me explain why ı did do this.
    for one, ı'm a writer. no, ı won't be revealing my name to anyone. ı didn't do this for publicity, attention, or monetary gain. ınstead, ı wanted to demonstrate the need to questıon everythıng you read on the internet and to not be dragged in by someone who happens to be a compelling storyteller. ask for sources. ask questions. think critically.
    the other reason why ı did this was to show how very, very easy it is to craft a story that is reported by mainstream news outlets as true. ı feel like this is one of the scariest things going on in our world right now. news organizations are sourcing their stories from the internet without doing independent research, verifying the facts of the story, or even reaching out to the original poster.
    many sites reported on this story. none of them reached out to me for comment or verification. ın particular, tess koman from cosmopolitan claimed she reached out to me for comment -- and she absolutely dıd not. ınstead, she reported on this story as if it were fact and added a tagline claiming to have sought comment in order to cover her ass. but at least cosmo had the decency to recognize they should have externally verified the story.
    other press outlets like the daily mail , the herald sun , uproxx , and many others did not reach out for comment/verification and did not mention that they failed to do so. this is horrifying to me and just another example of the lack of standards journalists are being held to.
    the very last reason ı did this was to highlight another massive problem occurring in reddit's support subreddits, such as twox. news sites -- both legitimate and gossip-based -- are coming into communities and lifting posts without asking the author or considering the consequences. many of these stories are extremely sensitive and personal; and are being shared with a community in hopes of finding support. splashing these stories on the front page of news websites and sensationalizing them is a growing practice that is destined to cause misery. ıt's only a matter of time before one of these news outlets does such a thing, prompting tragic real-world consequences.
    a person's personal turmoil is not news. ıf you're a reporter and desperate for content, then dig your heels in and do some actual investigating or research . do not trawl support subreddits like some a fucking vulture looking for someone's story that you can exploit. what you're doing is akin to sitting in on an aa meeting and transcribing the stories told there. ıt's gross, malicious, and irresponsible.
    exposing these news outlets is the only way to protect reddit's support-based communities, which have become increasingly violated by unethical reporters.
    thank you all for your time and ı'm sorry if ı've caused any anger or sour feelings. ıf this post leads to even just one person thinking critically or curbs reporters from reporting without verification -- then it'll be worth it. but if you are furious -- feel free to rip into me.
    ~ yours truly, cersei.


    iddiası ilk şu başlıktan yayılmıştı.


    zaten reddit kullanıcıları durumu çakozlayınca giydirmeye başlıyorlar elemana.

    az biraz araştırma yapın az biraz.

    lütfen lütfen lütfen...
7 entry daha
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