• elfce dilinin, gerek tolkien kaynaklarindan, gerek farkli kaynaklardan olsun bir sekilde derlenerek olusturulmus halidir. bu elfce, hem orta dunya'da konusulan, hem de dungeons and dragons oyunlarinda kullanilan elfce ile esdegerdir.

    hemen kaynakca verelim;

    jason dahlin's elven lore page http://www.concentric.net/~lesmis/elven_lore.htm
    tel'mithrim - the grey company
    arethane's rendition of elven
    dictionary for eldarin tongues
    source books:
    silmarillion by jrr tolkien
    trilogy of the rings by jrr tolkien
  • a
    a: da
    abhor: deloth
    abhored: delothe
    abhores: delothea
    abhoring: delothien
    abide: himy
    abided: himye
    abides: himyea
    abiding: himyien
    abominable: thaur
    abundance: uuve
    abyss: mandu'
    account: quentale
    accursed: uldor
    ache: nwaly
    ached: nwalye
    aches: nwalyea
    aching: nwalyien
    acolyte: learin
    acolytes: learinra
    acorn: lindoreda
    across: thari
    act: nes
    acted: nesca
    acting: nesien
    action: nesrie
    acts: nesra
    actor: nesaid
    actors: nesaidra
    actual: anwa
    acute: laike
    addict: maur
    addicted: maure
    addicting: maurien
    addiction: maurar
    addicts: maurea
    add: onot
    added: onote
    adding: onotien
    adds: onote
    adhere: himb
    adhered: himbe
    adheredes: himbea
    adhering: himbien
    adult: shanorte
    adults: shanortera
    adventure: jalnora
    adventurer: jalnoraven
    adversary: kotumo
    aerie: sornion
    after: ale'
    aftername: epesse
    afternoon: andune
    again: au'
    against: tharit
    agent: tyaro
    agile: tyelka
    agony: qualmi
    agree: weer
    agreed: weere
    agreement: weera
    agrees: weerea
    agreeing: weerien
    ah!: a!
    air: vil
    air ring: vilya
    alas!: ai
    aldebaraan: borgil
    ale: bralda
    alive: kuila
    all: ilye
    allow: lau
    allowed: laue
    allows: lauea
    alliance: niasa
    almost: sha
    ally: abban
    aloft: tarasse
    alone: ereba
    alphabet: tengwanda
    also: aw'
    altar: korda
    always: deagol
    am: naa
    amber: ambre
    ambition: toleth
    ambitions: tolethra
    an: dae'
    ancient: yaara
    and: ar'
    and yet: ananta
    angel: vala
    angelic power: belain
    anger: ruth'
    angered: ruthe
    angering: ruthien
    angers: ruthea
    angle: egladil
    angry: ruthia
    animal: kelvar
    animal horn: tarka
    any: ai'
    anyone: ai'er
    apology: pedenin
    apologies: pedeninea
    apologize: pedenina
    apologizes: pedeninia
    apologized: pedeninae
    apologizing: pedeninaien
    apple: caryave
    appreciate: hant
    appreciated: hante
    appreciates: hantea
    appreciating: hantien
    april: viresse
    archer: cuar
    archmage: val'istar
    are: del'
    area: meena
    arid: anfauga
    arm: ranqui
    armor: atost
    army: hosse
    around: pelu
    arrive: rakt
    arrived: rakte
    arrives: raktea
    arriving: raktien
    arrow: pilin'
    arrow flight: pilininge
    arrow quiver: wainole
    art: faera
    art army: akh'faer
    ar circle'leader: faernaa
    ar halfcircle'leader: faernil
    ar halfsphere'leader: faernos
    ar halfwing'leader: faernae
    ar mage: akh'faern
    ar ring'leader: faerniir
    ar sphere'leader: faerne
    ar wing'leader: arfaern
    as: isi
    ascension: orosta
    ash: lith
    ashen: lithui
    ashen mountains: ered'lithui
    ashen place: duarthra
    ashen plain : lithlad
    ask: yelen
    asked: yelene
    asking: yelenien
    asks: yelenea
    asleep: lorna
    aspen: galadh
    assassin: sereg'wethil
    assemble: host
    assembled: hoste
    assembles: hostea
    assembling: hostien
    associate: otorno
    at: ie'
    at last: yallume
    ate: mati
    attack: cronh
    attacked: cronhe
    attacking: cronhien
    attacks: cronhea
    attempt: aestaum
    auger: teret
    august: urime
    aunt: adrashana
    autumn: narbeleth
    avoid: anid
    avoided: anide
    avoiding: anidien
    avoids: anidea
    awake: kuile
    awaken: cuiv
    awakened: cuive
    awakening: cuivien
    awakening water: cuivienen
    awakens: cuivea
    away: cel
    awe: al
    awed: alsa
    ax: pelekko
  • b
    babe: lapse'
    baby: laito
    back bodypart: kess
    back: n'alaquel
    backward: kesserna
    bad: dross'
    bad luck: umarth
    bad person: malu
    bail: kalp
    bailed: kalpe
    bailing: kalpien
    bails: kalpea
    bake: mast
    baked: maste
    bakes: mastea
    baking: mastien
    balance: meiva
    balance: meiv
    balanced: meive
    balances: meivea
    balancing: meivien
    bald: ruedh
    bale: kalip
    baled: kalipe
    baling: kalipien
    bales: kalipea
    ball: koron
    band: akh
    bane: arof
    bar: bir
    bard: lindstra
    bards: lindstrea
    bare: rudh
    barkskin: fladrif
    barren: ruidh
    barrow mound: haudh
    bat: thu
    battle name: guthwine
    battle: dagor
    battled: dagore
    battle plain: dagorlad
    battles: dagorea
    battling: dagorien
    bay: luthi
    be: na
    beach: sii
    bear animal: morko
    bear: kolind
    beard: spanga
    bearer: colindo
    beat: jeld
    beaten: jeldca
    beating: jeldien
    beats: jeldea
    beauty: arddun
    beautiful: arddunnie
    because: nighala
    became: natule
    become: natul
    becomes: natulea
    becoming: natulien
    bed: reth
    bee: neir
    beech: neldor
    beech forest: neldoreth
    been: naaie
    before: n'ala
    before dawn: tindome
    began: yeste
    begat: one'
    beget: on'
    beget: ona
    begeter: onar
    begeting: onien
    begets: onea
    begin: yest
    begining: yestien
    begins: yestea
    begotten: oner
    behind: hinda
    behold: aiya
    beholder: 'khselee
    being: nau
    belief: durn
    believe: dura
    believed: dure
    believes: durea
    believing: durien
    bell: nyelle
    belly: kumba
    belong: elan'
    belongs: elanra
    belonged: elanris
    belonging: elenriel
    beloved item: leofa
    beloved person: a'mael
    bend: lugana
    bend: lungan
    bending: lunganien
    bends: lunganea
    beneath: nuin
    beneath stars: nuingiliath
    bent: lungane
    beside: aru
    best: alurl
    better: alur
    between: imbe
    between rivers: minhiriath
    beyond: pella
    bier: tulma
    big: alte
    bind: tila
    binds: tilaea
    binding: tilaien
    birch: nimbreth
    birch woods: nimbrethil
    bird: dulin
    bird lake: linaewen
    bird lover: aiwendil
    birth: nosta
    bit: nake
    bite: nak
    bites: nakea
    bitten: nakia
    biting: nakien
    black: mor
    black arts: morgul
    blackberry: piukka
    black dragon: mor'loki
    black enemy: morgoth
    black chasm: moria
    black glass: helevorn
    black ice: khelek
    black land: mordor
    blackness: moore'
    black orc: uruks
    blackroot: morthond
    blacksmith: tano
    black sword: mormegil
    blade: kayun
    blade singer: megilindir
    blade singers: megilindar
    blanket: telme
    blaze: urya
    bleach: ninquit
    bleached: ninquite
    bleaches: ninquitea
    bleaching: ninquitien
    bleak: muil
    bleeding: sereg
    blessed: aman
    blew: pusti
    blink: tiht
    blinked: tihte
    blinking: tihtien
    blinks: tihtea
    bliss: almare
    block: tamp'
    block: tampa
    blocked: tampe
    blocking: tampien
    blocks: tampea
    blockage: avocmar
    blood: serke
    bloodred flower: seregon
    blood stained: agarwaen
    blossom: lokte
    blot: motto'
    blow: pust
    blowing: pustien
    blown: puste
    blows: pustea
    blue: luine
    blue dragon: luin'loki
    bluegreen: laiquaninwa
    blue towers: mindolluin
    blush: carnolon
    blushed: carnolone
    blushes: carnolonea
    blushing: carnolonien
    board: pano
    boat: cair
    body: quenat
    body front: alust
    bold: verya
    bond: tala
    bonded: talar
    bonding: talien
    bonds: talae
    bone: nnar'
    book: parma
    border: branda
    bore: ujerat
    bored: ujerate
    bores: ujeratea
    boring: ujeratien
    born: nost
    borned: nostie
    bosom: ambire
    both: attalye'
    bottle: aluarial
    bound: tilae
    boundry stream: glanhir
    bow: kaw
    bow'& helm: cuarthol
    bowed: kawe
    bowing: kawien
    bow legged: quingatelko
    bowl: salpua
    bows: kawea
    bow weapon: luva
    bows weapons: luvae
    bowyer: luvare
    branch: olwa
    brand: yulm
    branded: yulme
    branding: yulmien
    brands: yulmea
    brave: astald
    bread flat: lereth
    bread: mas
    bread roll: bas
    break: rusv
    breaking: rusvien
    breaks: rusvea
    breath: suula
    breathe: suul
    breathed: suule
    breathes: suulea
    breathing: suulien
    bree: village
    breeze: hwesta
    bridge: yanta
    bright: tiri
    brighter: tirin
    brightest: tirinin
    bright light: alta
    bright star: elena
    brilliant: aglar
    brilliance: aglareb
    bring: sila
    brings: silae
    broke: rusve
    broken: rusvi
    brooch: tankla
    brood: luv
    brooded: luve
    brooding: luvien
    broods: luvea
    brook: nelle
    brother human: fral
    brought: silka
    brow: time
    brown: baru
    bud: tuim
    budded: tuime
    budding: tuimien
    buds: tuimea
    building house: bytla
    builder: bytlaven
    build: samn
    building construction: samnien
    builds: samnea
    built: samne
    bull animal: mundo
    bundle: kalep
    bundled: kalepe
    bundles: kalepea
    bundling: kalepien
    burly: polda
    burn: naara
    burn: naar
    burned: naare
    burning: naarien
    burns: naarea
    bush: alda
    busy: umun
    but: dara'
    butterfly: wilwarin
    buttocks: nanbe'
    by: ar
  • c
    call: yel
    called: yele
    calling: yelien
    calls: yelea
    calm: nebel
    calmed: nebele
    calming: nibelien
    calmly: nibelar
    calmness: nibeliar
    calms: nibelea
    came: tule
    came from: tuulien
    came out: ettule
    camp: estolad
    camped: estolade
    camping: estoladien
    camps: estoladea
    can: ilue
    can't: ilue'n
    candle: liikuma
    cannibal: sarquindi
    canoe: lunte'
    canopy: telimbo
    cape of land: raste
    captain: aranthi
    capital: drandell
    captive: glaka
    capture: glak
    captured: glake
    captures: glakea
    capturing: glakien
    careful: maliar
    care: mali
    cared: malie
    cares: maliea
    caring: malien
    carried: kole
    carries: kolea
    carrying: kolien
    carry: kol
    castle towers: minas
    castle turret: mindon
    catch: atsa
    catches: atsar
    catching: atsad
    caught: atsae
    cause: tyar
    caused: tyare
    causes: tyarea
    causing: tyarien
    cave mouth: ancan
    cave: fela
    celebrate: gal'
    celebrated: gale'
    celebrates: galea
    celebrating: galien
    celebration: gala
    celebration garland: galadriel
    centaur: rah'edan
    century end: haranye
    chain: tincya
    chainmail: tincyatost
    chair: hama
    chamber: sam
    champion: arato
    chance: anty
    chant: lir
    chanted: lire
    chanting: lirien
    chants: lirea
    chaos: tielpe
    characters: tiw
    cheek: holon
    chef: deasar
    cherry: pio
    chill: ringe
    child: hin
    children: hini
    choice: detholin
    choicer: detholin
    choicest: detholinin
    choke: quor
    choked: quore
    chokes: quorea
    choking: quorien
    choose: dethol
    chooses: detholea
    choosing: detholien
    chose: dethole
    chosen: detholuva
    chronicle: luumequenta
    circle: mallen
    citadel: os
    city: tiaglass
    clamor: nyalme
    clan: noore
    clasp: tangwa
    claw: rakka
    cleanse: pooik
    cleansed: pooike
    cleansing: pooikien
    cleanses: pooikea
    clean: poik
    cleaned: poike
    cleaning: poikien
    cleans: poikea
    clearing: latina
    cleave: cir
    cleaved: cire
    cleaver: risti
    cleft: cirya
    cleaves: cirea
    cleaving: cirien
    cleric: amandil
    clerical power: val
    cliff: cabed
    climb: rith
    cloak: collo
    close: fen'
    closed: fene
    closes: fenea
    closing: fenien
    cloth: lanne'
    clothes: lanat
    clothing: lanna
    cloud: fani
    cloudy: fanui
    coast: vernien
    cobweb: liine
    cold: ring'
    collapse: atalt
    collapsed: atalte:
    collapses: ataltea
    collapsing: ataltien
    collar: sadisla
    come: tul
    come from: tuul
    comes: tulea
    comes from: tuulea
    coming: tulien
    coming from: tuulien
    come out: ettul
    comes out: ettulea
    coming out: ettulien
    command: nai
    command: naia
    commanded: naie
    commander: kano
    commanding: naiar
    commands: naiea
    commemorate: enyal
    commemorated: enyale
    commemorates: enyalea
    commemorating: enyalien
    commission: aquryth
    commissioned: aqurythet
    commissioner: aqurythven
    commissioning: aqurythith
    comrade: abbil
    company: rima
    compel: mauy
    compelled: mauye
    compelling: mauyien
    compels: mauyea
    complain: nur
    complained: nure
    complaining: nurien
    complains: nurea
    compulsion: mauya
    conflict: ellagor
    confuse: pal
    confused: pale'
    confuses: palea
    confusing: palien
    confusion: palie
    conspicuous: minda
    construction: ataque
    constellation a: anarriima
    constellation b: menelmacar
    constellation c: soronuume
    constellation d: telumendil
    constellation e: wilwarin
    constellation f: valacirca
    constrain: baugg
    constrained: bauge
    constrainer: bauglir
    constraining: baugien
    constrains: baugea
    construction: ataque
    consume: vas
    consumed: vase
    consumer: vaasa
    consumes: vasea
    consuming: vasien
    contemptible: faika
    continue: vor
    continued: vore
    continues: vorea
    continuing: vorien
    continuous: gandele
    contrary: naan
    control: tur
    controled: ture
    controling: turien
    controls: turea
    cook: deasa
    cook: deas
    cooked: dease
    cooking: deasien
    cooks: deasae
    cool: him'
    copper color: aira
    copper metal: tambe
    copulate: onn
    copulated: onne
    copulation: onna
    copulater: onnar
    copulating: onnien
    copulates: onnea
    corporeal: sarkuva
    corpse: kaivo
    coruscation: russe
    couch: seartra
    could: iluea
    couldn't: iluea'n
    count: noot
    counted: noote
    counting: nootien
    country: norie
    counts: nootea
    county province: ardhon
    courier: takimir
    course: rant'
    court: edoras
    cousin: selen
    cover: tup
    covered: tupe
    covering: tupien
    covers: tupea
    cow: karaar
    coward: nandor
    crack: kiris
    cracked: kirise
    cracking: kirisien
    cracks: kirisea
    craft art: kurwa
    craft: kurw
    crafted: kurwe
    crafting: kurwien
    crafts: kurwea
    craftsman: kurwaer
    cream: ciril
    create: ont
    created: onte
    creates: ontea
    creating: ontien
    creature: onnier
    creep: diel
    creeped: diele
    creeps: dielea
    creepier: dielin
    creepiest: dielinin
    creeping: dielien
    creepy: dieli
    crescent: kuune
    crescent moon: kuu
    cried: nalle
    cries: nallea
    crimson: agaru
    crooked: hwarin
    cross: tar'
    crossbar: hwarma
    crossed: tare
    crosses: tarea
    crossing: tarien
    crow: korko
    crowd: sanga
    crown: rien
    crown: riena
    crowned: riene
    crowning: rienien
    crowns: rienea
    correct: torya
    cruel: nwalka
    crumble: rust'
    crumbled: ruste
    crumbles: rustea
    crumbling: rustien
    crusader: karythar
    cry: nall
    cry: nalla
    crying: nallien
    cunning: fini
    cunningly: finie
    cunningness: finid
    cup: kwayuln
    cupola: korominda
    cushion: nirw
    cushion: nirwa
    cushioned: nirwe
    cushioning: nirwien
    cushions: nirwea
    cut: rist
    cut: rista
    cuts: ristea
    cutting: ristien
  • d
    dagger: tenn
    dagger metal: tincmaeg
    damp: ringa
    dance: salk
    dance: salka
    danced: salke
    dancer: salkier
    dances: salkea
    dancing: salkien
    dangle: ling
    dangled: linge
    dangles: lingea
    dangling: lingien
    dare: very'
    dared: verye
    dares: veryea
    daring: veryien
    dark: mori
    dark black: mordur
    dark daughter: morwen
    dark evil: dur
    dark evil'tower: barad'dur
    dark friend: mor'ellil
    darkness: morin
    dark precipice: caragdur
    dark ruby: iriador
    dark shapes: morchiant
    dark son: morion
    dark vale: tumbo
    dauntless: thalion
    dawn: anoron
    days: aurelea
    day: aurel (veya "re")
    daylight: calan
    day sky: menel
    dazzling white: glos
    dead: ediad
    dead land: daedeloth
    dear gift: melyanna
    death: nonda
    death horror: nguruthos
    death iron: gurthang
    death killed: gurtha
    death knight: nonda`kanoste
    death natural: fiara
    deceit: wethrina
    deceive: wethrin
    deceived: wethrine
    deceives: wethrinea
    deceiving: wethrinien
    december: ringare
    decent: dero
    decline: aavara
    declined: aavare
    declines: aavarea
    declining: aavarien
    decrepit: yerna
    deep: tumba
    deep blue: lhun
    deep valley: tumbale
    deep forest'shadows: taureliloomea
    deep shadow: lumbule
    deer: aras
    deer's leap: cabed'en'aras
    defeat: nuquern
    defeat: nuquerna
    defeated: nuquerne
    defeating: nuquernien
    defeats: nuquernea
    defence: ostiar
    defend: ost
    defended: oste
    defender: osta
    people's defender: osta tel'quessir
    defending: ostien
    defends: ostea
    defile: aglon
    deformed: ulundo
    deliver: liath
    deliverance: liathar
    delivered: liathe
    delivering: liathien
    delivers: liathe
    dell: nal
    delve: groth
    delved: grothe
    delves: grothea
    delving: grothien
    delving: grotha
    demigod: maikar
    demon high'level: tanar'ri
    demon: rath
    demon soul: tanar'ri'fia
    den: mar
    denied: lole
    denies: lolea
    dense forest: region
    deny: lol
    denying: lolien
    depart: wany
    departed: wanye
    departed spirit: manu
    departing: wanyien
    departs: wanyea
    deprive: neith
    deprived: neithe
    deprived one: neithane
    deprives: neithea
    depriving: neithien
    descend: indy
    descended: indye
    descendent: indyo
    descender: indya
    descending: indyien
    descends: indyea
    descent: indyin
    describe: ostek
    described: osteke
    describs: ostekea
    describing: ostekien
    desert: erda
    deserted: erdae
    deserts: erdaea
    deserting: erdaien
    desire: irma
    desire: irm
    desired: irme
    desires: irmea
    desiring: irmien
    destine: marty'
    destined: martye
    destines: martyea
    destining: martyien
    destiny: maranwe
    device: tanwe
    devoted: ndur
    devotion: ndil
    dew: rosse
    dexterous: formaite
    diamond: antiri
    did: ume
    did not: uume
    die: fianwa
    died: fianwae
    dies: fianwea
    die naturally: fiar
    died naturally: fiare
    dies naturally: fiarea
    die painfully: qualm
    died painfully: qualme
    dies painfully: qualmea
    difference: n'atyae
    different: n'atya
    difficult: n'breum
    difficulty: n'breume
    dim star: gili
    diplomacy: celebreth
    direction: tie'
    dirt: kemin
    dirty: waara
    disappear: wann
    disappeared: wanne
    disappearing: wannien
    disappears: wannea
    discolor: puur
    discolored: puurea
    discoloring: puurien
    discolors: puure
    discuss: oqueni
    discussed: oquenie
    discusses: oqueniea
    discussing: oquenien
    disgust: feuy
    disgusted: feuye
    disgusting: feuyien
    disgusts: feuyea
    dish: vene
    disordered: ruukina
    distant: theaura
    distance: haiyasse
    divine authority: valya
    divine radiance: belethil
    divinity: valasse
    do: um
    does: umea
    does not: uumea
    doing: umien
    doing not: uumien
    dome: koromindo
    dominance: z'ress
    done: umia
    do not: uum
    don't: uum'n
    doom: amarth
    doomguard: hae'dagoth
    doom master: turambar
    door: annon
    doorway: fennas
    dot: tikse
    dot above'writing: amatikse
    dot below'writing: nuntikse
    double: at
    double door: hollen
    double stream: adurant
    dough: makse
    dove: kua
    down: ndu
    down fall: atalan
    down fallen: atalante
    downward: pende
    dracolich: guinauruloki
    dragon: loki
    drake: ailoki
    drank: yulne
    draw: kallp
    drawing: kallpien
    drawn: kallpena
    draws: kallpea
    dread: gor
    dreadful death: dungortheb
    dreadful deathvalley: nan dungortheb
    dreadful doom: naeramarth
    dread helm: gorthol
    dream: kaimel
    dreamed: kaimele
    dreamer: kaimelar
    dreaming: kaimelien
    dream land: lorien
    dreams: kaimelea
    dreamt: kaimelean
    drew: kallpe
    driftwood: runda
    drink: yuln
    drinking: yulnien
    drink of'water: yulda
    drinks: yulnea
    drip: lipt
    driped: lipte
    driping: liptien
    drips: liptea
    drizzle: timpi
    drizzled: timpie
    drizzles: timpiea
    drizzling: timpien
    drop: lipta
    dropped: liptae
    dropping: liptaien
    dropps: liptaen
    drow king: valishar
    drow kingdom: valisharden
    drow queen: valisharess
    drow surface: moriquendi
    drow underdark: mori'quessir
    drow spicedwine: morimatra
    drown: quorin
    drowned: quorine
    drowning: quorinien
    drowns: quorinea
    drowsy: lorda
    druid: taur'amandil
    drunk: yulna
    dry: anfaugi
    dry desert: anfauglir
    dryad: nandin
    dull: ujere
    during: imu'
    dusk: lomei
    dusk melody: lomelindel
    dusk shadow: lomea
    dusk singer: lomelindir
    dusk songs: lomelindi
    dust: asto
    duty: akh
    dwarf diggings: dwarrowdelf
    dwarf race: nogathrim
    dwarf road: men'i'naugrim
    dwell: bar'
    dwelled: bari
    dwelling: barien
    dwells: barea
    dwell underground: grod
    dwelled underground: grode
    dwelling underground: grodien
    dwells underground: grodea
    dwelt: bare'
    dwindle: piik
    dwindled: piike
    dwindles: piikea
    dwindling: piikien
    dying: fianwien
    dying naturally: fiarien
    dying painfully: qualmien
  • e
    each: ilya
    eagle: thoron
    ear: lhaw
    early: arinya
    early autumn: yavie
    early dusk: lome
    early spring: koire
    early summer: echuir
    early sunset: nuut
    early twilight: fasinthe
    early winter: quelle
    earth mother: arda
    earth: kemen
    east: rhun
    eastern: rhunenya
    easy: breum
    eat: mat'
    eaten: mate
    eating: matien
    eats: matea
    echo: lom
    echoed: lomia
    echoes: lomi
    echoing: lomin
    echoing waterfall: lanthir lamath
    ecstatic: eligri
    ecstasy: eligre
    eddied: hwinde
    eddies: hwindea
    eddy: hwind
    eddy: hwinda
    eddying: hwindien
    edge: reena'
    eek!: yee!
    effort: estameso
    eight: tolto
    elbow: ooleme
    elephant: andamunda
    eleven: minque
    eldar language: eldarin
    elf: edhel
    elf friend'formal: sha'quissir
    elf friend'informal: elendil
    elf friends: elendili
    elf rope: hithlain
    elf stone: elessar
    elm: alalme
    elm leaf: darda
    else: eile
    elven: eldar
    elven brother: toror'
    elven child: telella
    elven cordial: miruvore
    elven daughter: tinu
    elvendeep: eldar'tumba
    elven elixir: miruvor
    elven father: atar
    elven firstborn: estanesse
    elven folk: eldalie
    elven forest: sylvan
    elven friend: ellil
    elven high king: haran
    elvenhome evermeet: eldamar
    elven jewelsmiths: gwaith'i'mirdain
    elven king: aran
    elven light: eledhwe
    elven maiden: aloril
    elven maidenhood: alorilian
    elven beer: malta
    elven mead: miruvoreva
    elven mother: atara
    elven people: quessir
    elven prince: taren
    elven princess: tariena
    elven queen: aranie
    elven race: tel'quessir
    elven rune: kerta
    elven sister: seler'
    elven slave: di'thang
    elven son: tinau
    elven song: laer
    elves: edhelea
    elvish: edhellen
    ember: yuula
    emit: fain
    emitted: faine
    emitting: fainein
    emits: fainea
    emerald: beryl
    empty: lost
    empty handed: camlost
    enchant: luth
    enchanted: luthe
    enchanting: luthien
    enchantment: luhta
    enchants: luthea
    encircle: pel
    encircled: pele
    encircles: pelea
    encirclement: pela
    encircling: pelien
    enclosure: korin
    end: tyel
    ended: tyele
    ending: tyelien
    ends: tyelea
    endurance: termara
    endure: termar
    endured: termare
    endures: termarea
    enduring: termarien
    enemy: goth'
    enough: faarea
    ensorcele: istt
    ensorceled: istte
    ensorceles: isttea
    ensorceling: isttien
    ent: onod
    enter: minno
    entertain: tayln
    entertained: taylne
    entertaining: taylnien
    entertainment: taylnes
    entertains: taylnea
    entropy: hestyelurin
    ents: enyd
    entwine: nardan
    entwined: nardane
    entwines: nardanea
    entwining: nardanien
    envelope: way'
    enveloped: waye
    envelopes: wayea
    enveloping: wayien
    erode: orar
    eroded: orare
    erodes: orarea
    eroding: orarien
    erosion: orara
    escape: usin
    escaped: usine
    escapes: usinea
    escaping: usinien
    establish: tulk
    established: tulke
    establishes: tulkea
    establishing: talkien
    eternal: oira
    etymology: quettasundolie
    even: iale
    evening: undome
    evenstar: undomiel
    evening twilight: aduial
    even though: elye
    ever: oio
    everlasting: oiale
    evergreen: oiocalen
    everliving: oiocoid
    evermeet tree: laurelin
    evermind: elfirin
    ever mist: oiomure
    ever summer: oio'laire
    ever snow'white: oiolosse
    every: il'
    everyone: iler
    everything: iluve
    evil: kula
    exalted: varda
    exalted person: aratar
    exceed: telt
    exceeded: telte
    exceeding: teltien
    exceeds: teltea
    except: enga
    excessive: beika
    excuse: lath
    excused: lathe
    excuses: lathea
    excusing: lathien
    exist: ea
    existance: eaian
    existed: eae
    existing: eaien
    exists: eaea
    expand: palu
    expanded: palue
    expanding: paluien
    expands: paluea
    expansive: palla
    expect: duil
    expectations: duilar
    explode: braga
    exploded: bragae
    explodes: bragar
    exploding: bragaen
    explosion: bragollach
    explore: ervanad
    explored: ervanade
    explores: ervanadea
    exploring: ervanadien
    extend: tain
    extended: taine
    extending: tainien
    extends: tainea
    extension: taina
    exulted: varda
    eye: elee
  • f
    face: anta
    facing: alusta
    faction: ellath
    fade: quell
    fade: quella
    faded: quelli
    fades: quellea
    fading: quellien
    faery: eldarmor
    faint: wan'e
    fair: vanya
    fairy: shee
    faith: durrn
    faithful: durra
    faithfulness: durre
    faithfully: durrea
    fall: lant
    fallen: lantio
    falling: lantien
    falls: lantea
    fallow: malwa
    familiar: moina
    family: cinhil
    fan: cara
    fang: carac
    fanned: care'
    fanning: carien
    fans: carea
    far: hae
    fare: faer
    far east: nala
    farewell: namarie
    farther: haen
    farthest: haenin
    far watcher: palantir
    far western: dun
    far wide: palan
    fast: linta
    faster: lim
    fat: tiuka
    fat: tiuy
    fate: umbar
    fater: tiuyin
    fatest: tiuynin
    fatherless: ben'adar
    fathom 6ft: ragwe
    fear: gorga
    feared: gorge
    fearing: gorgien
    fears: gorgea
    feast: mereth
    feasts hall: merethrond
    feather: quesse
    february: nenime
    feel: tyav
    feeling: tyavien
    feels: tyavea
    feet: talwi
    fell: lante
    fell fire: aegnor
    felt: tyave
    female: inya
    female allies: abbeinra
    female lover: melisse
    fence: echor'
    fenced: pelen
    fenced land: pelennor
    feast: mereth
    feasts hall: merethond
    fast: linta
    festival: merende
    festive: merya
    few: n'nir
    fey: marta
    field: lad
    fiery: uruite
    fiery red: narwa
    fiery sun: uuranor
    fill: quant
    filled: quante
    filling: quantien
    fills: quantea
    final: meetima
    find: utu
    finding: utuien
    finds: utuea
    fine: tereva
    finger: mau'
    fingertip: mauel
    finish: tel
    finish: tela
    finished: tele
    finishing: telien
    finishes: telea
    fir tree: lebethron
    fire chamber: naiur sammath
    fire demon: balrog
    fire dragon: uru'loki
    fire mountain: orodruin
    fire ring: narya
    firm: sanda
    first: yeste'
    fish: lingwe
    fist: paur
    five: lempe
    fix: tank
    fixed: tanke
    fixes: tankea
    fixing: tankien
    flagstone: ambal
    flame: runya
    flame: runy
    flamed: runye
    flames: runyea
    flaming: runyien
    flame red: ruin'
    flank: el'
    flanked: ele
    flankes: elea
    flanking: elien
    flask: ellarial
    flat: laara'
    fleece: ue
    flesh: sarko
    fleshy: sarqua
    flew: ripe'
    flies: ripea
    flight: ripa
    flint: tinga
    float: lut
    floated: lute
    floating: lutien
    floats: lutea
    flood: ulund
    flooded: ulunde
    flooding: ulundien
    floods: ulundea
    floor: talan
    flour: pore
    flourish: rink'
    flourished: rinke
    flourishes: rinkea
    flourishing: rinkien
    flow: sir'
    flow: sira
    flowed: sire'
    flower: lote
    flowery: lothron
    flowing: sirien
    flown: ripi
    flows: sirea
    flute: simpina
    fly: rip'
    flying: ripien
    foam: vingi
    foam flower: vingilote
    foe: erebor
    foe hammer: glamdring
    fog: hiise
    folk: hos
    follow: khil
    followed: khile
    follower: khila
    follows: khilea
    following: khilien
    fondness: ser
    food: vasa
    fool: weal
    foolish: weala
    footstep: dael
    foot: dal
    footprint: dalnya
    foot sole: tallune
    for: ten'
    force: poldor
    forced: poldore
    forces: poldorea
    forcing: poldorien
    ford: athrad
    foreign: ettelen
    foremost: aluste
    forest elves: sylva
    forest: taure
    forest gloom: taur nu fuin
    forested: taurea
    forester: tauron
    forever future: ten'oio
    forever past: et'seartra
    forgave: tenine
    forge: tamin-
    forge: tamina
    forged: tamine
    forges: taminea
    forging: taminien
    forget: demad
    forgets: demadea
    forgetting: demadien
    forgive: tenin
    forgives: teninea
    forgiving: teninien
    forgot: demade
    forgotten: demadi
    former: yaa
    former days: yaare
    forsake: eglan'
    forsaken: eglane
    forsaken people: eglath
    forsakes: eglanea
    forsaking: eglanien
    fort: taria
    fortress: nosti
    fortune: mande
    fortunate: mandean
    forward: aluserna
    foul: saura'
    foulbellied: saurikumba
    found: utue
    foundation: talma
    four: kinta
    fountain: ektele
    fox: ronyo
    free: leitha
    freed: leithe
    freeing: leithien
    freer: leithin
    frees: leithea
    freest: leithinin
    freeze: hilkin
    freezes: hilkinea
    freezing: hilkinien
    frequent: rimba
    fresh: wenya
    freshness: ween
    friday: tarion
    friend: melda
    friend of: nil
    fright: bragor
    frighten: bragore
    frightens: bragorea
    frightening: bragorien
    frightful: bragoral
    from: tuulo'
    front: ale'quel
    froze: hilkini
    frozen: hilkine
    fruit: yave
    full: quanta
    fully: quantae
    full moon: ithil
    fun: tyalie
    fungus: hwandi
  • g
    galley ship: kirrya
    gape: faug
    gaped: fauge
    gapes: faugea
    gaping: faugien
    game: tyalien
    garden: gaan
    garland: riela
    gash: hyatse
    gasp: anfaug
    gasped: anfauge
    gasps: anfaugea
    gasping: anfaugien
    gasping dust: anfauglith
    gate: ando
    gate stream sirannon
    gather: sangan
    gathered: sangane
    gathering: sanganien
    gathers: sanganea
    gave: onine
    gazing: tiriel
    gazing afar: palan diriel
    gem: leuthil
    gentle: seim
    gentled: seime
    gentles: seimea
    gentling: seimien
    germinate: erde
    germinates: erdea
    germinated: erded
    germinating: erdien
    get: leitu
    getting: leituien
    ghost: fea
    giant: norsa
    giant werewolf: draugluin
    gift: onina
    gifted land: andor
    gift lord: annatar
    give: onin
    given: oninei
    gives: oninea
    giving: oninien
    glance: mai'
    glanced: mae
    glances: maea
    glancing: maien
    glass: heledh
    gleam: glina
    gleam: glin
    gleamed: gline
    gleaming: glenien
    gleams: glinea
    glint: tind
    glinted: tinde
    glints: tindea
    glinting: tindien
    glistening: secianin
    glitter: mirily
    glittered: mirilye
    glittering: mirilien
    glittering cavern: aglarond
    glittering light: rilma
    glitteringly: mirilienar
    glittering waterfall: brilthor
    glittering white: silivren
    glitters: mirilyea
    glittery: mirilya
    globe: korone
    globed: korna
    gloom: fuin
    gloomy land: lomeanor
    gloomy shadows: morna
    glorify: aglar'ni
    glorious: alcarin
    glorious star: alcarinque
    glory: alcar
    glue: himbar
    gnome dwelling: deeve
    gnome southern: silnome
    gnome northern: nogoth
    go: aut
    go!: noro!
    go away: kel
    goat: nyeene
    goblet: sulo
    god: seldar
    goddess'of dance: nessa
    goddess'of harvest: yavanna
    goddess'of healing: este
    goddess'of light: varda
    goddess'of mourning: nienna
    goddess'of spring: vana
    goddess'of weaving: vaire
    god'of air: manwe
    god'of athletics: tulkas
    god'of battle: orome
    god'of dreams: irmo
    god'of greed: melkor
    god'of invention: aule
    god'of judgement: namo
    god'of patience: olorin
    god'of storm: osse
    god'of water: ulmo
    gods: seldarine
    god's children: erusen
    goes: auta
    goes away: kelea
    going: autuva
    going away: kelien
    gold: mal
    gold color: laure
    gold dragon: mal'loki
    gold metal: malda
    gold made: malden
    gold delvings: maldhabar
    gold elf: mal'quessir
    golden: malin
    golden bed: rathloriel
    golden coin: gila
    golden blond hair: lorindol
    golden brown: baran
    golden circle: malmallen
    golden flower: alfirin
    golden like: laurea
    golden red: cul
    goldenred tree: culumalda
    golden tree: mellorn
    golden trees: mellryn
    golden waterlilly'pond: loeg'ningloron
    gone: wanwa
    gone away: kele
    gong: tombo
    good: quel
    goods: armar
    goodnight: nidranoste
    goose: waani
    gore: nast
    gore bloodiness: mear
    gored: naste
    gores: nastea
    gorge: kilya
    goring: nastien
    got: leituea
    gotten: leituean
    govern: turn
    governed: turne
    governes: turnea
    governing: turnien
    grade: tyelle
    graded: tyellere
    grading: tyellerien
    grades: tyeller
    grammar: tengwesta
    grant: leu
    granted: leue
    grants: leuea
    granting: leuien
    grasp: map
    grasped: mape
    grasping: mapien
    grasps: mapea
    grass: salque
    grave: sapsa
    gravel: brith
    gray: mith
    gray blue: mithlin
    gray havens: mithlond
    gray elf: mith'quessir
    gray elven'speach: sindarin
    gray mantle: mithollo
    great: rieem
    great bat: thuring
    great bow: cu
    great bows: cue
    great echo: lammoth
    great hall: ronda
    great light'giver: ancalima
    greatly: andave
    great pearl: nimphelos
    great sea: earen
    great wall: ramba
    greedy: milka
    greed: milme
    green: calen
    green dragon: calen'loki
    greener: calenin
    greenest: caleninin
    green elves: laiquendi
    green hill: tuna
    green leaf: lasgalen
    green mound: corollaire
    green swarth: ard'galen
    greetings: sahla
    grew: alae
    grey pale: winde
    grey cloak: sindacollo
    grief: nyeer
    grief: nyeera
    grieved: nyeere
    grieves: nyeerea
    grieving: nyeerien
    group: ath
    ground: talara'
    grove: floam
    grow: ala
    growing: alad
    growl: nuur
    growled: nuure
    growling: nuurien
    growls: nuurea
    grown: alauva
    grows: alar
    growth: loa
    guard: dirn
    guarded: dirnen
    guardian: malirn
    guarding: dirnien
    guards: dirnea
    guardsman: dirn'tlin
    guess: inty
    guess: intya
    guessed: intye
    guesses: intyea
    guessing: intyien
    gull: nalwi
    gully: yaawe
  • h
    habit: haime
    had: caele
    hail greet: aaye
    hailed greet: aayie
    hailing greet: aayien
    hails greet: aayiea
    hail snow: les
    hailed snow: lese
    hailing snow: lesien
    hails snow: lesea
    hair lock: findl
    hair: loske
    halbred: falquan
    half: perya
    half elf: peredhil
    half elven: peredhel
    half elves: earendil
    halfling: perian
    halflings perinnath
    hall lofty: oromarde
    hall: marde
    hall wooden: ampano
    halt: daro'
    hammer: namb
    hammer: namba
    hammered: nambe
    hammering: nambien
    hammers: nambea
    hand: cam
    handle: maht
    handle: mahta
    handled: mahte
    handles: mahtea
    handling: mahtien
    handy: maite
    hang: leng
    hangs: lengea
    hanging: lengien
    hanging flame: glingal
    happen: mart
    happened: marte
    happening: martien
    happens: martea
    happy: valin
    happier: valinn
    happiest: valinin
    happiness: valeina
    harbor: hoopa
    harbor: hoop'
    harbored: hoope
    harboring: hoopien
    harbors: hoopea
    harbour: edhellond
    hard: n'maksa
    harm: cron
    harmed: crome
    harming: cromien
    harms: cromea
    harp: ng'anda
    harper: nandaro
    harsh: naraka
    harvest: yaavan
    has: caela
    haste: asca
    hasten: asc
    hastened: asce
    hastening: ascien
    hastens: ascea
    hate: daeloth
    hated: daelothe
    hates: daelothea
    hateing: daelothien
    haunted: gorgar
    have: cael
    haven: lond
    haven finder: hirilonde
    havens: londe
    having: caeluva
    having roof: telda
    he: ro
    head: dol
    heal: fallan
    healed: fallane
    healer: fallaner
    healing: fallanien
    heals: fallanea
    heap: kunbi
    heap: kumb
    heaped: kumbe
    heaping: kumbien
    heaps: kumbea
    hear: teni
    heard: tene
    hearing: tenien
    hears: tenea
    heart organ: samiss
    heart feelings: oren
    heat: ur
    heat: ura
    heated: uri
    heating: urien
    heats: urea
    heave: qalum
    heaved: qalume
    heaves: qalumea
    heaving: qaulmien
    heaven: arvandor
    heavy: luma'
    heavy hand: mablung
    height: taarie
    heir: chil'
    held: kware
    hell: udun
    hell fire: aikanaro
    hello: kala
    helm: thol
    hem: riim
    hem: riima
    hemmed: riime
    hemming: riimien
    hems: riimea
    here: sinome
    her: rya
    hero: kallo'
    hers: ryo
    herself: atse'
    herb: apsa
    hew: gund
    hewing: gundien
    hewn: gunde
    hews: gundea
    hi: kali
    hide: nurt
    hid: nurte
    hidden: dolen
    hidden kingdom: doriath
    hidden rock'fortress: gondolan
    hides: nurtea
    hiding: nurtien
    high: taurn
    high dome: orteluume
    high elf: cala'quessir
    high elven'speach: quenya
    high grey'elf: noldo
    high grey'elves: noldor
    high smith: artano
    high white'peak: taniquetil
    hill: amon
    hill dwarf: noegyth'nibi
    hill dwarves: noegyth'nibiea
    hill dwarven: noegyth'nibdien
    hills: emyn
    hillside: amban
    him: rye
    himself: atso'
    hind portion: tella
    his: ryi
    history: quenta
    hive: nierwes
    hobbits: periannath
    hoard: foa
    hold hall&land: anda
    hold: kwar
    holder: kwarial
    holding: kwarien
    holdings hall&land: andaith
    holds: kwarea
    hole: assa
    hollow delving: nogrod
    hollow: unque
    hollow: unk
    hollowed: unke
    hollowing: unkien
    hollows: unke
    holy: aina
    holy place: yaana
    holy one: 'pinur
    holy ones: ainur
    holy music: ainulinde
    holly tree: piosenna
    home: eska
    honor: lat
    honored: late'
    honoring: latien
    honors: latea
    honey: nekte
    honeybee: nektenier
    hood: doltelme
    hook: amp
    hook: ampa
    hooked: ampe
    hooking: ampien
    hooks: ampea
    hope: estela
    hope: estel
    hoped: estele
    hopes: estelea
    hope star: gil'estel
    hoping: estelien
    horde: hoth
    horn mountain: rass
    horns: rais
    horn musical: romba
    horned: tilion
    horn sound: oromi
    horror: gorgorath
    horror shadows: daederath
    horse: roch
    horse lord: rochir
    horse riders: rohirrim
    horses: rokko
    host: rimde
    hostile: kotya
    hot: urra
    hour: lumenn'
    house: bara
    how: sut
    howl: ngwaw
    howl: ngwawa
    howled: ngwawe
    howling: ngwawien
    howls: ngwawea
    humble: nukumna
    human brother: fral
    human child: edainien
    human daughter: dammia
    human father: dammar
    human king: shorntani
    human man: edan
    human men: edain
    human maiden: wen
    human maidenhood: wendele
    human mother: damman
    human prince: shorntane
    human princess: shorna
    human queen: shorni
    human sister: frala
    human slave: sajorte
    human son: donne'
    human woman: edana
    human women: edaina
    hump: tumpo
    humped: kauka
    humpback: kauko
    hung: lenge
    hunt: far
    hunt: fara
    hunted: fare
    hunter: faroth
    hunting: farein
    hunts: farea
    hurry: hort
    hurried: horte
    hurries: hortea
    hurrying: hortien
    hurt: crem
    hurts: creme
    hurting: cremien
    husband: verno'
  • i
    i: amin
    ice: aiglos
    icicle: helkelimbe
    icy: helka
    idea: noa
    idol: kordon
    if: manka
    ill: angwar
    illuminate: kaly
    illuminated: kalye
    illuminates: kalyea
    illuminating: kalyien
    illusionist: ita'istar
    imagine: naus
    imagined: nause
    imagines: nausea
    imagining: nausien
    imagination: nausa
    immortal: ilfirin
    immovable: tualka
    impetuous: ascar
    imprison: oblet
    imprisoned: oblete
    imprisoning: obletien
    imprisons: oblete
    impulse: hoore
    impulsive: hoorea
    in: e'
    incite: suil
    incited: suile
    incites: suilea
    inciting: suilien
    incline: penda
    include: pand
    included: pande
    includes: pandea
    including: pandien
    ing: ien
    innumerable: unotime
    in song: lirinen
    intellect: handele
    intelligence: handasse
    intellegent: handa
    interest: irm'um
    interested: irm'ume
    interesting: irm'umien
    interests: irm'umea
    interior: mitya
    interrupt: nestamip
    interrupted: nestamipe
    interrupting: nestamipien
    interrupts: nestamipea
    in'the wind: surinen
    into: e'a
    invent: aul
    invented: auli
    inventing: aulien
    invention: aula
    inventive: aulio
    inventively: aulion
    inventiveness: aulionin
    inventor: auler
    invents: aulea
    iris: gladden
    iron made: angren
    iron metal: anga
    iron cleaver: angrist
    iron delvings: anghabar
    iron fortress: angrenost
    iron prison: angband
    is: sa
    i sing: linnathon
    isle: tol
    isolated hill: tolmen
    isthmus: yatta
    it: ta
    its: taa
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