• klibinin sonunda not as seen on tv şeklinde bir ibare beliren u2-green day şarkısı.
  • duydugum an vuruldugum sarki, ayni sahnede bono ve bj armstrong, gumbur gumbur, devami gelir insallah...
  • şarkı 1978'den bir coverdır ve aslı skids'e aittir.
  • bono'nun ne kadar güçlü bir sese sahip olduğunu gösteren muhteşem bir parça. sözleri de aşağıdaki gibidir.

    there is a house in new orleans, they call the superdome (or the rising sun).
    it's been the ruin of many a poor boy, and god, i know i'm one of them.

    i cried to my daddy on the telephone,
    how long now?
    until the clouds unroll and you come down,
    the line went.
    but the shadows still remain since your descent,
    your descent.

    i cried to my daddy on the telephone,
    how long now?
    until the clouds unroll and you come home,
    the line went.
    but the shadows still remain since your descent,
    your descent.

    the saints are coming, the saints are coming.
    i say no matter how i try, i realize that there's no reply.
    the saints are coming, the saints are coming.
    i say no matter how i try, i realize that there's no reply.

    a drowning sorrow floods the deepest grief,
    how long now?
    until the weather change condemns belief,
    how long now?
    when the night watchman lets in the thief
    whats wrong now?

    the saints are coming, the saints are coming
    i say no matter how i try, i realize that there's no reply
    the saints are coming, the saints are coming
    i say no matter how i try, i realize there's no reply
    i say no matter how i try, i realize there's no reply
    i say no matter how i try, i realize there's no reply
  • "kor goze parmak" seklindeki klibinin basinda, sular altinda kalmis bir caddede artik sadece ust kismi gorunen bir humanity st. tabelasi vardir. klibin en guzel karesi de budur fikrimce.*
  • new orleans sehrinin football takimi olan new orleans saints'in, katrina felaketinden sonraki kendi evinde oynadigi ilk mactan once, takim sahaya cikmadan canli olarak superdome da u2 ve green day tarafindan seslendirilmistir.

    bu felaket sonrasi new orleans saints, bir sezon boyunca maclarini, bircok evsize siginak olmus superdome yerine baska sehirlerde oynamistir. takim sahaya cikmadan calinan bu sarki cok ince dusunulmus, tam yerine rast gelmis ve bir o kadar da gazdir.
    (bkz: https://youtu.be/dtk4xo_7nda?si=kggfht2qpvaq_5u0)
  • the boondock saints ii all saints day'in fragmanını şenlendirmekte.
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