• her nedense lost ve "the dark tower" serisi bana cok parelel geliyor.ve bu suphe her gecen gun artiyor.paralel evrenler zaman kaymaları vs.bir de lost da surekli gecen stephen king ismi yuzunden "acaba senaristler stephen king'den mi esinleniyor arada" demeden duramiyorum. umarim cok fazla esinlenip lostu da bu seri gibi bitirmezler.
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    i've always been with you cumlesindeki anlam sudur.ulan nasil olsa sawyer sizlere omur.ucak kazasindan kurtulduk efsunluyum diye kimse yaklasmiyor.soyle bi zarf atayimda yanginim arttikca ugrarim.

    birde jin gorundu ya nasil ozlemisim keraneciyi.
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    dizide şu anki zamanı limanda jack, kate, sun, sayid, aaron ve benjamin'in buluştuğu an olarak kabul edersek ada ortadan kaybolalı ve adada kalanlar zamanda seyahate başlayalı 3 sene kadar olmuş demektir. bizimkiler dışarda 3 sene boyunca normalce yaşarken adada kalanlar parlamaların neticesinde ortaya çıkan burun kanamaları ve nörolojik sorunlardan büyük ihtimalle öldüler. madem adada kalanlar öldü, oceanic altılısı 70 saat içinde adaya dönünce ne değişecek? sanırım şöyle olacak:

    3 sene önce yani jin'in fransız ekip tarafından denizde bulunduğu, locke ve beraberindekilerin fırtınadan kurtulup tekrar adaya ulaştıkları zaman. onları 1988'e atan parlamanın ardından bir kaç(ya da daha fazla ama ölümlerine sebep olmayacak sayıda) parlama daha oluyor ve adada zaman 2007'ye yani limandakilerin buluştuğu tarihe atlıyor ve sonraki parlamaya kadar adadakiler 70 saat boyunca o tarihte kalıyor. mrs. hawking bunu bir şekilde sonradan(yani ada zamanını 2007'ye atan parlamadan 3 sene kadar sonra) öğreniyor ve foucault sarkacı'nın da yardımıyla o tarihte adanın olduğu yeri hesaplıyor.(yerini hesaplamak zorunda çünkü ada sadece zamanda değil dünya üzerinde de hareket halinde) bundan sonra yapılması gereken şey 70 saat bitmeden önce oceanic altılısının mrs. hawking'in verdiği koordinatlara daha önceki parlamaların birinde adadan çıkmayı başaran locke'un cesedini de alarak ulaşması ve zamanda yolculuğa bir kaç gün önce başlamış olan diğerlerini bulması. kurtulanlar adaya tekrar dönünce ne değişecek de parlamalar duracak bilmiyorum ama eğer 70 saat sınırı varsa ve adada kalanlar ölmeden kurtulacaklarsa bu şekilde olmalı.

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    - john, do you know when we are?

    evet. artik iyiden iyiye lost amnezisine ugramis olan bunyemin yakarislarina nihayet the little princebolumunde sevgili daniel faraday'cigimin bu cumlesi tercuman oldu.

    sayin senaristler, john hangi zamanda olduklarini biliyor mu fikrim yok, ama ben vallahi de bilmiyorum billahi de bilmiyorum. senelerdir dumaniydi, adirsiydi, jack'in olup olup dirilen babasiydi canimiza okudunuz. flashback'leri flashforward'lar takip eder oldu. ustune bir de zaman yolculuklari cikardiniz. sabit mabit dediniz. simdiki zaman hangisi, oyle bir sey var mi, kim kimin sabitiydi neydi allahimizi sasirttiniz. bir de bunun ustune hala daha kac sezon onceki olaylara referans veriyorsunuz. kardeslerim detayli not mu tutalim, lostpedia'dan her bolumun hikayesini mi okuyalim her hafta ekran basina gecmeden once? yeminlen yoruldum. artik teori uretmeyi birak yazilanlari okuyacak takatim kalmadi. anca soyle sig yorumlar yapabiliyorum seyir esnasinda:

    ahaha iste dallama fransizlar ya, dehidrasyondan gebermis adami yatirmislar gunesin alnina, allahin mallari.

    bakin sunun surasinda bir bucuk sezon bir sey kaldi. artikin lutfen dokunmayin adaya. dokunmayin zamana. guzel guzel ayrilalim birbirimizden, iyi seyler hatirlayalim birbirimiz hakkinda. arkadas filan kalalim hatta...

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  • halkin tamamen odaklandigi dizi. artik konusurken beni dinlemiyorlarsa lost diyorum hemen susuyorlar beni dinliyorlar. oh be iyiki varsin lost.
  • the little prince bolumu hakkinda tahmini sipoyler icerir efendim.
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    adada kalan lostie lerimiz kurek cektikleri degisik tipteki sal in ustundeyken bence arkadan ates edenler de kendileriydi. cunku goruntuyu dikkatli izledigimizde uzerinde olduklari salin arkadan ates eden grupta da ayni oldugunu anliyoruz.fark ediyoruz ki, ne zaman, zaman kaymasi yasasalar ve gittikleri zaman diliminde karsilasmamalari gereken bir sahis ve ya grupla karsilassalar zamanda tekrar atlama yasaniyor. bu duruma ornek olarak sawyer in kate ve claire i gordukten hemen sonra atlama yasanmasini gosterebiliriz bence. ayrica others gormus jin gibi olmak tarzindaki benzetmelere danielle rousseau gormus jin gibi olmak benzetmesini ekleyebiliriz lost lugatimiza
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  • s05e04 hakkinda;
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    www.ajiraairways.com adresinin destination:destiny sekmesini kurcaladigimizda karsilastigimiz paragraf tebessum etmemizi sagliyor. ajira adventures adli sekemeyi tikladigimizda ise fotograflarin altinda ki antonio kisisinin soyadinin desmondgil tarafindan dusundugumuzde tanidik oldugunu goruyoruz.
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  • darkufo sag olsun, bazı yerlerde "the game theory" olarak gecen teoriyi biraz budayıp adam etmisler.. spoiler sevmeyenler kafasını gozunu korusun, zira simdiye kadar okdugum en saglam teori..

    simple theory that explains it all by konstantin

    there is a novel by a russian sf writer sergey lukyanenko “labyrinth of reflections” that helps to explain almost all what is going on in lost. here is what wikipedia writes about the background of the novel:

    “in the late 90s, dmitry dibenko, a russian programmer known for dabbling in mysticism and mind-altering substances, created with a program playing a short movie that would allow him to achieve a new level of awareness during meditations. he dubbed the program deep, placed it on a webserver and forgot about it. the revolution happened when a simple ukrainian chap, stayed in office after the work to play his beloved doom. he watched dibenko's program, shrugged and launched the game — and fell into it. it seemed to him that it was he running along the corridors, ducking the fiery balls and snarling monsters' mugs. although he was aware that what he was experiencing could not possible be true, he was unable to break the illusion. left with no choice but to play the game, he completed all levels. when he finished in morning, the illusion ended and he found himself back in the real world, badly covered with bruises.

    realizing that the program effectively fooled its users into thinking that whatever virtual environment they were viewing was as real as the world around them. furthermore, the environment did not have to be particularly elaborate. even if the graphics were crude, human subconscious would fill in details and sensations that would enhance the realism. however, they were drawbacks. because the illusion was so convincing, people who used the deep program were unable to leave it. just as that guy needed to finish the game in order to break the illusion, the deep users needed specially designed exit points that would provided subconscious triggers that facilitated the exit.”

    now imagine the island (eyeland) is just a game server that provides players with means to play all kind of games, among them “survivors”, “black rock”, “dharma initiative” or “jughead” or whatever game the island game masters could invent. later as the game becomes more and more popular its developers decided to enhance it – to build a much bigger and powerful server to imitate real world outside the island. that would give players an opportunity to add more life to their avatars, e.g. one can choose to be a famous surgeon who performs miraculous operations. this way the game “survivors” can be made much more interesting. but then an accident happens – players who first tried the new way of gaming totally lost connections with reality. they start believing that they are what their avatars are and that the background stories they invented for the game are actually their real lives. their consciousness refused to leave that new “real world” game server. they are lost. how to save them? the only way out is to make them play the game (in that case “plane crush survivors”) up to the end. only when they reach the final goal of the game the island would let them go. the problem is that they forgot everything about the game and about its rules or goals. they truly believe that they are living their ordinary lives and would take for a madman anyone who tells them the truth. is it possible to manipulate them in such a way that they (not knowing it) will follow the game line and finally win? who could make the rescue team? who are manipulators?

    here’s the possible solution from sergey lukyanenko:

    “around this time, the first divers emerged, people able to break illusion of the deep program. this allowed them to help those who were trapped in deeptown, since they could exit the deeptown instantly and call for help. this ability also freed them from physical constraints other users were bound by, allowing to perform seemingly impossible feats, survive otherwise crippling injuries and change avatars within seconds. in addition to that, divers were able to see flaws in deeptown's programming codes (usually in the form of holes). thanks to those abilities, divers found employment as in-house rescuers, corporate saboteurs and security consultants, among others.

    as their numbers grew, divers began to organize. they created a code of divers, which established a set of principles that guided their behavior. along with other things, it held up the right to privacy as a fundamental right of all divers. another important principle was the prohibition against using their abilities to harm their fellow divers. if a diver violated any aspect of the code, he had to submit to a hearing conducted by the rest of the diver community and abide by whatever penalty they would decide on. further violations would incur progressively harsher penalties.”

    are deeptown’s divers = island’s others? they form a rescue team and start the difficult task of bringing all losties on board oceanic 815 and start the game – crush the plane on the island. the game starts and unsuspected “gamers” are carefully lead toward their designated goal. but saving losties is only one problem. the other problem is that by absorbing consciousness of losties the game server became overloaded and soon will collapse leaving all trapped players in coma for the rest of their lives. thus the task of the rescue team is not just saving losties but also saving the island.

    but saving the island brings yet another problem. the government banned the dangerous game. as long as there dozens of unconscious players living in vegetative state their health sustained on artificial feeding the island is safe. shutting down the computer will not make them living. but the moment their consciousnesses are brought back to the physical world the game server will be immediately shut down. this would upset dozens of die-hard gamers (including many others) who see no sense in life without the island. they form another group who want to keep the game server running but at the same time don’t want it to collapse (losties have to saved for that purpose). the island is only a program on the server – the rest is the “real world”. for experienced hackers it is possible to “hide” the island and/or encrypt access to it. this helps for the moment but anyway when the server is shut down the island program is shut down too. one way is to keep on the island just a few people thus substantially decreasing the overload on the system.

    i think this theory explains pretty much everything in a simple and easy to grasp way. it gives answers to all the lost mysteries, namely:

    1. whispers – voices of “dead” players who watch the game on their monitors.

    2. moving the island – hiding and encrypting the program on the server. moving was done in a haste when computer was already overloaded. as a result it started acting erratically: it load old saved copies of different games and moves players’ avatars between different game environments, duplicates players’ accounts, etc.

    if order is not brought back in 70 hours the computer will definitely collapse.

    3. one cannot change the past or the future – because one cannot change the main story line of the game. like in lost via domus game a player could kill himself by moving through the sonar gates but he cannot shoot himself. that is also why characters sometimes remember and sometimes not meeting losties in the past.

    4. we have to go back to the island – we have to play the game up to the end before it is too late.

    5. ageless richard alpert is probably a game master.

    6. smoke monster – can be anything, it’s just another program.

    7. i think there are a lot of npcs out there (non-playing characters) that are non-human programs themselves. mikhail bakunin could be one of them – he’s disposal.

    8. desmond is unique because somehow he can access game files or saved games thus he can see the past and the future.

    9. nosebleeds – guys who have too many saved games on the server (they played too much and forgot to clean up files). the computer right now cannot process so much information about them – its memory is limited.

    i think the show will have too finals. the first one is the final of the game whatever it is. in the second final it will be revealed that all losties are actually teenagers – we have seen some of them already among them young widmore. theory by konstantin

    alıntı: darkufo..

    zamanının ötesinden gelen edit: ingilizce bilmiyorsan otur kurtlar vadisi izle arkadasım.. kasma kendini..
  • o bu değil de, 5. sezon oldu, alışmak lazım aslında ama gene de her bölüm bittiğinde "böyle de bitirilmez mına koyyım ama" demekten kendimi alamamaktayım. alışan beri gelsin.*
  • rüyalarıma girmeye başladı artık korkuyorum. ama öyle böyle karışık değil. rüyada bile yazmışım allak bullak senaryoyu.

    şimdi rüyamda kate aaron'u doğuruyor(!). vampir suratlı insanlarda bebeği kate'ten evlatlık almak istiyor. ama garibi rüyamda kate'i buna kim ikna etti dersiniz. tümer metin(!). sonra birde tümer'den yediğim dayak var tabi. neyse sonra kate'in belden aşağısını kesip bebeği alıyorlar. tekrar diktikten sonra kate hiç birşey olmamış gibi hayatına devam ediyor. ki zaten dikiş izi 15cm(!).

    allahım lütfen kafayı yemediğimi söyle. yok yok benim acilen iş bulmak lazım. olmayacak böyle.*
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