• russel brand'in otobiografisi olan bu booky, 2007 senesinde piyasaya cikmistir. ansiklopedi kalinliginda* olan bu eseri farkedince, "gormus gecirmis adam demek ki" denebilir. oysa ki kitabin buyuk bir kismi sorumsuzca kullandigi uyusturuculardan, daginik ve derbeder hayat tarzindan bahsetmektedir. seks, alkol ve uyusturucu bagimliligini dile getiren daha cok itiraf ve ozelestiri agirlikli bir eserdir. (hos elestirdigi de yok pek)
    times gazetesi, kendisi hakkinda ilginc bir yazi yazmistir. inceden inceye karalamistir kitabi.

    --- spoiler ---
    "he also tells us exhaustively about his use of hard drugs, perhaps because not much else has happened in his life. he certainly doesn’t seem to have travelled adventurously, done any worthwhile work, forged any deep or enduring friendships, let alone relationships, or met any interesting people; although he did once snog the actress martine mccutcheon in a corridor."
    --- spoiler ---

  • russell brand'i komik buluyorsanız okurken çok güleceğiniz bir kitaptır. hele cümleler kafanızda onun sesi ve tonlamasıyla yankılanıyorsa daha da güzel olur.

    tabi seks, alkol ve uyuşturucudan, bağımlılıktan bahsedilmesi neşenizi kaçırabilir arada.
  • yazılış nedenleri dramatize edilmediği ve kitap kendini dahi ciddiye almadığı için samimi gelebilen, brand esprileriyle dayalı döşeli, ingilizce dilinin eski tip kelime oyunlarına pek çok kez yer verilmiş özyaşam öyküsü.

    "dear american reader,
    jolly well done, you have purchased this book in spite of:
    1. its seemingly childish title, and 2. the photo of me on the cover, thus proving that you are: 1. prepared to take risks, and 2. a sexy, adventurous outsider. congratulations, you are in for a giddy, wild ride through language, hedonism and amusing despair. unless you bought the book(y wook) for a relative, and are now perusing it only to ascertain its suitability, or worse still, you are a shoplifter pretending to read before committing your crime.
    if either scenario is true, then, be assured, it is suitable for your relative—unless they are crushingly naive or small-minded. and if you are a shoplifter, i’m in no position to complain as i, myself, have stolen many books. i’m not condoning it, i just understand that you must be desperate, and at least you’re stealing a good book(y wook). good luck.
    now, assuming that all who remain are good, honest consumers, i’d like to thank you. this book is mine, it’s all true, i wrote it, and while i’m proud of the book(y wook), i’m not proud of some of the chaos within. i am an englishman and, as such, reserve the right to talk, and write, in a manner that may strike you as macabre or bonkers or crackers, nuts or weird; to avoid possible confusion, i have included a glossary so that you can understand what i have written. i only pray you can understand why i wrote it.
    long live the queen, god bless america.
    ta ta.
    russell "

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