• avenged sevenfold'un hail to the king albümünden bir şarkı.

    sözleri şöyle

    this is the story of a man,who conquered life drink in hand
    ship unmanned.
    marked by genius, channelled good, by some a bit misunderstood.
    they'd been wrong many times before

    some times our saints are sinners,
    they blur the lines and lead the way,
    their way.
    raise hell and a glass in reverence,
    the fearless lives of our great saints - our saints.

    never a stranger to late night snake bite fist fights and empty pints,
    unrivaled heights.
    he led with songs, they sang along, created bonds that held so strong
    some were right and some were wrong

    some times our saints are sinners,
    they blur the lines and lead the way,
    their way.
    raise hell and a glass in reverence,
    the fearless lives of our great saints - our saints.

    it's by the sea and at nights end that's when the sin and swill begin
    that's when he had that certain light inside his head
    for every whisper he would scream for every drought he shared a drink
    for every sorrow there is a light from our st. james

    on the sea by the cliff he watches, he waits the night to see
    the day - his way
    last call will find us all
    but there's a light that leads the way, our way.

    some times our saints are sinners,
    they blur the lines and lead the way,
    their way.
    raise hell and a glass in reverence,
    the fearless lives of our great saints - our saints.
  • newcastle united`in stadina ismini veren aziz.

    (bkz: st james park)
  • ingiliz kral veya kraliçelerinin resmi ve tarihi sarayıdır. her ne kadar kraliçe victoria döneminden itibaren buckingham sarayı kraliyet ailesinin resmi ikametgahı olsa da bir bakıma kraliyet ailesinin kütüğü buradadır. o yüzden elçilerin kabul işlemleri (akredite) ve hükümdarın özel danışma meclisi, hala burada toplanır.

    bu sarayın osmanlı'daki karşılığı topkapı sarayı'dır denilebilir. mesela osmanlılar'da hanedan ailesi, abdülmecit'ten itibaren dolmabahçe sarayına yaşamaya başladılarsa (osmanlı hanedanının dolmabahçe'ye geçmesi, ingiliz kraliyet ailesinin buckhingam'a geçmesiyle hemen hemen aynı tarihlere rastlar) da topkapı osmanlı yıkılına kadar imparatorluğun resmi sarayı olarak kalmaya devam etmiş nitekim sultanların cülus törenleri topkapı sarayında yapılmaya devam edilmiştir ki son padişah altıncı mehmet vahdettin'in de cülus töreni topkapı da yapılmıştır.
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