• yaşanıldığı an ilişkinin nirvanaya ulaştığının kanıtıdır.
  • eğer bir ilişkinin sağlamlığı birtakım ölçütlere dayandırılacaksa, benim nezdimde yegâne kıstas bu fenomendir.

    mia: don't you hate that?
    vincent: hate what?
    mia: uncomfortable silences.
    vincent: why do we feel it's necessary to talk about bullshit in order to be comfortable?
    vincent: i don't know. that's a good question.
    mia: that's when you know you found somebody really special. when you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably share silence.
    vincent: well, i don't think we're quite there yet, but don't feel bad. we just met each other.

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