• cephe'nin fransızcası. (fasad, türkçede de aynen kullanılmakta)
  • dream country'de geçen ve kapağına "i smoke a cigarette and i pretend that i am normal and i wish i were dead. façade" cümlelerini barındıran, hayranlık uyandıran çizgi öykü...
  • classlar arasinda terminal gorevi ustlenen classlara verilen, foo gibi, i gibi bir isim. ornegin, sadece bir adet dbfacade classi yaratilir ve bu class sayesinde, akis birden fazla databasee rahatlikla yonlendirilir.
  • jekyll and hyde müzikalinden bir ansambl.

    the street people
    if you live around here, you need cash in the bank.
    'cos the houses 'round here are all flashy and swank.
    an' the front bit is what's called a facade!
    all the people 'round here are as posh as can be.
    you won't see 'em hob-nobbin' with rubbish like me.
    it's the snob bit, also called a facade!

    every day people in their own sweet way
    like to add a coat of paint and be what they ain't!
    that's how their little game is played
    livin' out their masquerade
    gettin' rich an' gettin' laid!
    who'd want to trade?

    but there's one thing i know an' i know it for sure
    this disease that they've got has got no ready cure.
    an' i'm certain life is terribly hard
    when yer life's a facade!

    every night here on house or another is a fun house
    'cos of someone givin' a party as you see, sir!
    this one here tonight is rather special - am i right?
    it's the betrothal of sir danvers' daughter, lisa!

    sir danvers carew is a good man
    they call him "la creme de la creme".
    whatever that means, he's a bloody sight better than them!

    nearly everyone you meet when walking down a london street
    pretends to be a pillar of society.
    a model of propriety, sobriety and piety
    who's never even heard of notoriety!
    the ladies an' gents here before you
    which none of 'em ever admits
    may have saintly looks, but they're sinners an' crooks

    if you live around here you need lots of panache.
    if you live in town, dear, then you must cut a dash.
    'tisn't hard, dear, to create a facade!
    you must seem to be rich and have money to burn.
    even though it's a bitch, spending more than you earn.
    that's the game here and the name is facade!

    one or two might look kinda well-to-do.
    but i betcha precious few have paid for their boots!
    i'm inclined to think half mankind thinks the other half is blind.
    wouldn't be surprised to find they're all in cahoots!

    at the end of the day they don't mean what they say
    they don't say what they mean, they don't ever come clean.
    an' the answer is it's all a facade!
    call a walk "promenade", call a street "boulevard"
    grease yer hair with "pomade" you'll be held in regard.
    an' i betcha if you stay on your guard
    they'll all say you're a "card".
    people love the facade.
    what's behind the facade?
    look behind...the facade!..
  • (bkz: fesat)
  • daha da basit anlatımla; herhangi bir fonksiyon içinde diğer fonksiyonları alt alta çağırma durumu. örneğin; elimizde c1 ve c2 sınıfları var. bu sınıfların içlerinde ise farklı farklı fonksiyonlar mevcut. bu işlemleri sıraya koyup bir kerede yapmamız gerekiyor. o zaman herhangi bir sınıfta bir fonksiyon yaratıp, c1 den fc1 fonksiyonunu, c2 den fc2 fonksiyonunu çağır vs.. şeklinde çağırıyoruz. bu şekilde yapılan çağrılara ise façade pattern deniyor.
  • façade ('fasad' okunur), mimaride bir binanın dış cephesi anlamına gelir, genellikle ön cephe kastedilir ama yan ya da arka cepheler için de zaman zaman kullanılır bu terim, tasarım açısından önemli olan cepheyi işaret eder. bir anlamda binaya karakteristik özelliğini veren cephe olarak da görülebilir, zira binayı yeniden gözümüzde canlandırdığımızda daha çok bu cepheyi hatırlarız. birçok ülkede tarihi binaların diğer cephelerinin değil ama bu cephesinin görünüşünün değiştirilmesi yasayla kısıtlanmış ya da engellenmiş durumdadır bu yüzden.

    etimolojik kökeni latin dilleri olsa gerek, faça ile ilgisi var mutlaka.
  • disturbed ün indestructible albümünden bir diğer güzide şarkısı.

    no one knows just what has become of her
    shattered doll, desperate
    oh so innocent and delicate
    but too damn obdurate
    and obstinate to let go

    broken down, hurt again, it never ends
    frightened and trembling
    did she fall again? an accident?
    her eyes encircled in black again
    i can't believe that she's still with him

    for how long will you try?
    how long until you walk away?
    your facade can't disguise
    the fact that you're in misery

    look inside see what has become of her
    hiding within again
    can she pick herself up again?
    it's just too difficult and arduous to let go

    homicide flashes through her mind again
    no more pain, take control
    if he raises his hand again
    she'll find her freedom in killing him
    the world will see that she's had enough

    for how long will you try?
    how long until you walk away?
    your facade can't disguise
    the fact that you're in misery

    for how long will you try?
    how long until you walk away?
    from the look in your eyes
    i know you bleed internally

    for how long will you deny?
    how long until you walk away?
    your facade can't disguise
    the fact that you're in misery

    for how long will you try?
    how long until you walk away?
    from the look in your eyes
    i know you bleed internally

    broken down, hurt again
    it never ends
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